Image classifier trained to distinct between cats and dogs images. Convolutional Neural Network was built with Keras & Tensorflow(GPU).
Heroku-hosted web application was built with Flask framework.
- Image Input Shape - 128,128,3, activation - relu
- Three additional Convolutional Layers (batch size - respectively 32,64,128, dropout rate - 0.25,0.2,0.3)
- Units in hidden layer - 128
- Compiler - optimizer = 'adam', loss = 'binary_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy']
- Acc - 89% Loss - 25% (approx 30min/epoch on GPU)
- CNN Code Location: deep_learning/
keras | tensorflow | scikit-image | pandas | numpy | h5py
HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | Materialize
Lukasz Malucha