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Calendar Class

duck7000 edited this page Oct 3, 2023 · 22 revisions

This describes the working of Calendar class with description of the used method comingSoon() and what data it returns

Calendar class get information of upcoming releases like IMDb displays on their calendar page: It returns a array of titles found within the given date span with a (possible?) limit of 100 titles.


  • @parameter $region
    This defines which country/region releases are returned like DE, NL, US, etc.
    Default is set to US

  • @parameter $type
    This defines which type is returned MOVIE, TV or TV_EPISODE (Only one type possible)
    Default is set to MOVIE

  • @parameter $startDateOverride
    This defines the startDate override like +3 or -5 etc.
    Start is current date (for example 2023-10-05)
    Day can be +5 (example will become 2023-10-10)
    Or -3 (example will become 2023-10-02).
    EndDate is fixed set to one year ahead of the startDate Including startDateOverride.
    Default is set to 0

  • @parameter $filter
    This defines if disablePopularityFilter is set or not
    Set to true shows all releases
    Set to false only returns popular releases so the results within the given date span are far less in that case.
    Default is set to true

  • @parameter $thumb
    This defines if imgUrl contains thumb or full image.
    Set to true gets thumb image url (50x74)
    Set to false gets full image url (can be very large in pixels and storage size)
    Default is set to true

  • There seems to be a limit of 100 titles in the documentation but getting more titles seems to be possible. Maybe this limit has to do whether $filter is set or not?

Return array contains this fields:

  • title (string)
  • imdbid (string)
  • releaseDate array(day|null, mon|null, year|null)
  • genres array()
  • cast array()
  • imgUrl (string)
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