Handoff support #14582
11 warnings
Run integration tests
sandbox-test-tool isn't code signed but requires entitlements. It is not possible to add entitlements to a binary without signing it. (in target 'sandbox-test-tool' from project 'DuckDuckGo')
Build and run unit tests:
capture of 'newConnection' with non-sendable type 'NSXPCConnection' in a `@Sendable` closure; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
Build and run unit tests:
extension declares a conformance of imported type 'NWConnection' to imported protocols 'Hashable', 'Equatable'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'Network' introduce this conformance in the future
Build and run unit tests:
global actor 'UDPFlowActor'-isolated instance method 'hash(into:)' cannot be used to satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
Build and run unit tests:
global actor 'UDPFlowActor'-isolated operator function '==' cannot be used to satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
Build and run unit tests:
global actor 'UDPFlowActor'-isolated instance method 'hash(into:)' cannot be used to satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
Build and run unit tests:
global actor 'UDPFlowActor'-isolated operator function '==' cannot be used to satisfy nonisolated protocol requirement; this is an error in the Swift 6 language mode
Build and run unit tests:
umbrella header for module 'GRDB' does not include header 'sqlite3.h'
Build and run unit tests:
umbrella header for module 'GRDB' does not include header 'sqlite3.h'
Build and run unit tests:
add '@preconcurrency' to suppress 'Sendable'-related warnings from module 'WebKit'
Build and run unit tests:
extension declares a conformance of imported type 'NetworkProtectionKeychainTokenStore' to imported protocol 'SubscriptionTokenStoring'; this will not behave correctly if the owners of 'NetworkProtection' introduce this conformance in the future