3. Using it in your code
You can use this library in your code by cloning this repository and compiling it with your code. You can also use the Makefile to compile the library and your code:
#include "libft.h"
Libft is an individual project at 42 that consists of recoding a set of the standard C library functions, as well as other utility functions that are useful for any C program.
Function | Description |
ft_is | Checks if the character is a digit, letter, lowercase, uppercase, or printable. |
ft_lst | Functions to manipulate linked lists. |
ft_mem | Functions to manipulate memory. |
ft_put | Functions to print characters, strings, and integers. |
ft_str | Functions to manipulate strings. |
ft_tol | Functions to convert characters to integers and vice versa, converting to lowercase and uppercase. |
octet | functions for manipulating octets |
1. Compiling the library
To compile the library, go to its path and run:
For all mandatory functions:
2. Cleaning all binary (.o) and executable files (.a)
To clean all files generated while doing a make, go to the path and run:
make fclean
#include "libft.h"
int main(void)
ft_bzero(0, 0);
ft_puchar_fd("hello world", 1);
ft_split("hello world", ' ');
ft_strchr("hello world", ' ');
return (0);