To build an assembly, simply run:
mvn clean assembly:assembly
This creates a tarball with a full standalone application which can be installed in any *nix machine at: target/org.apache.brooklyn.brooklyn-ambari-1.0-SNAPSHOT-dist.tar.gz
It also installs an unpacked version which you can run locally:
cd target/org.apache.brooklyn.brooklyn-ambari-1.0-SNAPSHOT-dist/org.apache.brooklyn.brooklyn-ambari-1.0-SNAPSHOT
./ launch
For more information see the README (or ./ help
) in that directory.
On OS X and Linux, this application will deploy to localhost if you have key-based
password-less (and passphrase-less) ssh enabled.
To configure cloud and fixed-IP locations, see the README file in the built application directly.
For more information you can run ./ help
) in that directory.
To open this project in an IDE, you will need maven support enabled (e.g. with the relevant plugin). You should then be able to develop it and run it as usual. For more information on IDE support, visit:
name: ambari cluster
location: jclouds:aws-ec2:eu-west-1
- type: org.apache.brooklyn.ambari.ambaricluster
securityGroup: hdpSecurityGroup
initialSize: 5
This will deploy 5 VMs and install the Ambari server on one and Ambari agents on the rest. There is an installHDP effector that will install a given set of services on a given set of locations.