Display a list of desserts from https://themealdb.com/api.php.
As an online user
I want the app to automatically load desserts
So I can always see the latest available desserts
Given the user has internet connectivity
When the user requests to see desserts
Then the app should alphabetically display the latest desserts from the server
As an offline user
I want the app to communicate that internet connection is unavailable
So that I know why I am unable to see a list of desserts
Given the user does not nave internet connectivity
When the user requests to see desserts
Then the app should an error message
- Execute "Load Desserts" using above data.
- System downloads data from the URL.
- System validates downloaded data.
- System creates dessert feed from valid data.
- System delivers dessert feed.
- System delivers invalid data error.
- System delivers connectivity error.
As an online user
I want the app to display the details of a selected desserts
So I can learn more about the selected dessert
Given the user has internet connectivity
When the user selects a dessert
Then the app should display a detail view for that dessert containing it's meal name, instructions, ingredients/measurements.
As an offline user
I want the app to communicate that internet connection is unavailable
So that I know why I am unable to see the details of a selected dessert
Given the user does not nave internet connectivity
When the user selects a dessert
Then the app should display an error message
- Execute "Load Dessert Details" using above data.
- System downloads data from the URL.
- System validates downloaded data.
- System creates dessert feed from valid data.
- System delivers dessert feed.
- System delivers invalid data error.
- System delivers connectivity error.