Install python3
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
* -
Set up your environment file:
cp env.example .env
Add your deployer wallet private key into the
*Hint: it's helpful to spin up a python virtual environment for installing the requirements. Run python3 -m venv venv
to set up a virtual environment.
Deploy your ERC20 contract address on HyperEVM
Mint ERC20 tokens such that the token supply matches the spot token's total supply
Send all ERC20 tokens to
python3 link_erc20.py <network> <erc20_contract_address> <token_index>
network - the Hyperliquid network you wish to perform the linking on; must be either mainnet
or testnet
erc20_contract_address - the address for your HyperEVM ERC20 contract
token_index - the token index for the spot token you wish to link
python3 link_erc20.py testnet 0x8cDE56336E289c028C8f7CF5c20283fF02272182 PURR 1
In the above example, we are linking PURR on Hyperliquid testnet to the ERC20 contract 0x8cDE56336E289c028C8f7CF5c20283fF02272182