Easily view, navigate and search your command history with shell history suggest box for bash and zsh.
Are you looking for a command that you used recently? Do you want to avoid the need to write long commands over and over again? Are you looking for a tool that is able to manage your favorite commands?
HSTR (HiSToRy) is a command line utility that brings improved bash
command completion
from the history. It aims to make completion easier and more efficient than Ctrl-r.
HSTR can also manage your command history (for instance you can remove commands that are obsolete or contain a piece of sensitive information) or bookmark your favorite commands.
- Ubuntu
- Debian
- Mint
- Fedora
- CentOS
- Scientific Linux
- openSUSE
- Gentoo
- Alpine Linux
- Arch
- Manjaro Linux
- FreeBSD
- Slackware Linux
- Void Linux
- Milis Linux
- Haiku OS
- macOS
- nix package manager
- Guix package manager
- MPR package manager
- build on any Linux distro
- build snap
- build on Ubuntu
- build on Debian
- build on Fedora
- build on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
- build on Cygwin
- build on macOS
Check also packages for Linux and Unix.
Configure HSTR just by running:
# bash
hstr --show-bash-configuration >> ~/.bashrc
# zsh
hstr --show-zsh-configuration >> ~/.zshrc
For detailed HSTR configuration documentation please refer to Configuration.
Read about HSTR in LinuxMagazine, UbuntuGeek, DebianAdmin, Tuxdiary, Softpedia and OSTechNix.
Check man page:
man hstr
User videos: Zack, Dvorka and Yu-Jie Lin.