A very little alfred workflow that can change SOCKS proxy setting for ShadowsocksX-NG and Tor on Mac.
These instructions will let you install an alfred workflow to make you easier change the proxy setting (network card is Wi-Fi) for Shadowsocks or Tor.
- System Requirement: macOS
- ShadowsocksX-NG
- Tor
- Alfred With Powerback Installed
- Install the ss.alfredworkflow
- Go to installing dir of ss.alfredwork from alfred workflow setting page and change all the listen hosts and ports in constant.py, use networksetup -listallnetworkservices to see all the network services, and then change the SERVICES field
SERVICES=["Wi-Fi", "'USB 10/100 LAN'"]
- Type kex in the alfred and see what happen
- Any suggestion or problem please contact me.
- Email: [email protected]