Open Source, Google Zanzibar-inspired database for scalably storing and querying fine-grained authorization data
A query engine for any combination of data sources. Query your files and APIs as if they were databases!
Turn complex GraphQL queries into optimized database queries.
Real-time Data Integration and Transformation: use SQL to transform, deliver, and act on fast-changing data.
Reformats Java source code to comply with Google Java Style.
Repository for IETF WG draft ratelimit-headers
A Kubernetes controller to watch changes in ConfigMap and Secrets and do rolling upgrades on Pods with their associated Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet and DeploymentConfig – [✩Star] if you're u…
Go/gRPC service designed to enable generic rate limit scenarios from different types of applications.
Bazel rules to resolve, fetch and export Maven artifacts
High-performance extensible build system for reproducible multi-language builds.
Consul is a distributed, highly available, and data center aware solution to connect and configure applications across dynamic, distributed infrastructure.
Gossip-based service discovery. Docker native, but supports static discovery, too.
A reverse proxy that provides authentication with Google, Azure, OpenID Connect and many more identity providers.
Open Policy Agent (OPA) is an open source, general-purpose policy engine.
Automatically provision and manage TLS certificates in Kubernetes
Vitess is a database clustering system for horizontal scaling of MySQL.
Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability