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IMO 2012 P4
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dwrensha authored May 7, 2024
2 parents f094898 + 3862c4f commit 932188e
Showing 1 changed file with 293 additions and 3 deletions.
296 changes: 293 additions & 3 deletions Compfiles/Imo2012P4.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Copyright (c) 2023 David Renshaw. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: David Renshaw
Authors: spinylobster, ondanaoto, Seasawher

import Mathlib.Tactic
Expand All @@ -20,11 +20,301 @@ the following equality holds:

namespace Imo2012P4

determine solution_set : Set (ℤ → ℤ) := sorry
snip begin

def odd_const : Set (ℤ → ℤ) := fun f =>
∃ c : ℤ, ∀ x : ℤ,
(Odd x → f x = c) ∧ (Even x → f x = 0)

def mod4_cycle : Set (ℤ → ℤ) := fun f =>
∃ c : ℤ, ∀ x : ℤ, f x =
match x % 4 with
| 0 => 0
| 2 => 4 * c
| _ => c

def square_set : Set (ℤ → ℤ) := fun f =>
∃ c : ℤ, ∀ x : ℤ, f x = x ^ 2 * c

determine solution_set : Set (ℤ → ℤ) := odd_const ∪ mod4_cycle ∪ square_set

theorem sub_sq'' {x y : Int} : x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 = (2 * x * y) ↔ x = y := by
rw [← sub_eq_zero, ← sub_sq', sq_eq_zero_iff, sub_eq_zero]

theorem Int.lt_of_ns_lt_ns {x x' : ℕ} (h : Int.negSucc x < Int.negSucc x') : x' < x := by
have := Int.neg_lt_neg h
rw [Int.neg_negSucc, Int.neg_negSucc, Int.ofNat_lt] at this
apply Nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ this

def myInduction.{u}
{motive : ℤ -> Sort u}
(P0 : motive 0) (P1 : motive 1) (P2 : motive 2) (P3 : motive 3)
(add4 : ∀ x, motive (x + 4) = motive x)
: ∀ x, motive x := by
rintro (x | x)
case ofNat =>
match x with
| 0 => exact P0
| 1 => exact P1
| 2 => exact P2
| 3 => exact P3
| x' + 4 =>
rw [show Int.ofNat (x' + 4) = (Int.ofNat x') + 4 by rfl, add4]
have : sizeOf (x' : Int) < sizeOf ((x' + 4 : Nat) : Int) := by
rw [← Int.ofNat_eq_coe, ← Int.ofNat_eq_coe]
simp [sizeOf, Int._sizeOf_1]
apply myInduction <;> assumption
case negSucc =>
rw [← add4]
cases h : Int.negSucc x + 4
case ofNat x' =>
match x' with
| 0 => exact P0
| 1 => exact P1
| 2 => exact P2
| 3 => exact P3
| x' + 4 => simp at h
case negSucc x' =>
have : x' < x := by
have := Int.sub_lt_self (Int.negSucc x + 4) (b := 4) (h := by simp)
conv at this => rhs; rw [h]
simp at this
apply Int.lt_of_ns_lt_ns this
apply myInduction <;> assumption

snip end

problem imo2012_p4 (f : ℤ → ℤ) :
f ∈ solution_set ↔
∀ a b c : ℤ, a + b + c = 0
(f a)^2 + (f b)^2 + (f c)^2 =
2 * f a * f b + 2 * f b * f c + 2 * f c * f a := by


case mpr =>
intro constraint

have «f0=0» : f 0 = 0 := by
have := constraint 0 0 0
simp at this
nlinarith; save

-- `f` is an even function
have even (t : ℤ) : f (- t) = f t := by
have := constraint t (-t) 0
simp [«f0=0»] at this
rw [sub_sq''] at this
symm; exact this

have P (a b : ℤ) : (f a) ^ 2 + (f b) ^ 2 + f (a + b) ^ 2 = 2 * f a * f b + 2 * f (a + b) * (f a + f b) := by
have := constraint a b (- (a + b)) (by omega)
rw [even (a + b)] at this
rw [this]

have «P(a,a)» (a : ℤ) : f (2 * a) = 0 ∨ f (2 * a) = 4 * f a := by
conv => rhs; rw [← sub_eq_zero]
rw [← Int.mul_eq_zero]
have := P a a; simp at this
rw [← sub_eq_zero] at this; rw [← this]

have ext_eq_zero {{a : ℤ}} (h : f a = 0) : ∀ x, f (a * x) = 0 := by
rintro (x | x)
rotate_left; rw [← even, Int.neg_mul_eq_mul_neg, Int.neg_negSucc]
induction' x with x ih
. simpa

have := P a (a * (Nat.succ x))
rotate_left; have := P a (a * x)

simp at ih; simp [ih, h] at this
rw [← this]
congr 1
simp; ring

cases «P(a,a)» 1

case inl «f2=0» =>
simp at «f2=0»

have even_zero : ∀ x, f (2 * x) = 0 := ext_eq_zero «f2=0»

have sub_even {x : ℤ} (a : ℤ) : f x = f (x - 2 * a) := by
have := P (x - (2 * a)) (2 * a)
simp [«f2=0», «f0=0», even_zero] at this
rwa [add_comm, sub_sq''] at this

have h_odd_const (x : ℤ) : Odd x → f x = f 1 := by
intro odd
have ⟨k, hk⟩ := odd
rw [sub_even k, hk]

have f_in_odd_const : f ∈ odd_const := by
use f 1
intro x

case left =>
apply h_odd_const

case right =>
rintro ⟨k, hk⟩
convert even_zero k using 2

case inr «f2=4*f1» =>
simp at «f2=4*f1»

have when_f4_is_0 («f4=0» : f 4 = 0) : mod4_cycle f := by
exists f 1
have «f(x+4)=fx» (x : ℤ) : f (x + 4) = f x := by
have «P(4,x)» := P 4 x
simp [«f4=0»] at «P(4,x)»
rw [show 2 * f (4 + x) * f x = 2 * f x * f (4 + x) by ac_rfl, sub_sq''] at «P(4,x)»
rw [«P(4,x)»]; ac_rfl

intro x; induction x using myInduction
case P0 => simp [«f0=0»]
case P1 => simp
case P2 => simp [«f2=4*f1»]
case P3 => rw [show 3 = -1 + 4 by rfl, «f(x+4)=fx», even]; simp
case add4 x => simp; rw [«f(x+4)=fx»]

have «P(1,2)» : f 3 = 9 * f 1 ∨ f 3 = f 1 := by
have := P 1 2
rw [«f2=4*f1», ← sub_eq_zero] at this
rw [← sub_eq_zero, ← sub_eq_zero (a := f 3), ← Int.mul_eq_zero, ← this]

have «P(2,2)» : f 4 = 0 ∨ f 4 = 16 * f 1 := by convert «P(a,a)» 2 using 2; omega

cases «P(1,2)»

case inr «f3=f1» =>

have «f4=0» : f 4 = 0 := by
cases «P(2,2)»; case inl «f4=0» => assumption
case inr «f4=4*f2» =>
have «P(1,3)» := P 1 3
simp [«f3=f1», «f4=4*f2», «f2=4*f1»] at «P(1,3)» ⊢
rw [← sub_eq_zero] at «P(1,3)»; ring_nf at «P(1,3)»
simp [mul_eq_zero, pow_eq_zero_iff'] at «P(1,3)»

have := when_f4_is_0 «f4=0»

case inl «f3=9*f1» =>

cases «P(2,2)»

case inl «f4=0» =>
have := when_f4_is_0 «f4=0»

case inr «f4=16*f1» =>
have «fx=x²f1» (x : ℤ) : f x = x ^ 2 * f 1 := by
wlog pos : x ≥ 0 with H

case inr =>
rcases x with x | x; case ofNat => simp at pos
rw [Int.negSucc_eq, even, neg_pow_two]
apply H <;> try assumption
. omega

rcases x with x | x; case negSucc => simp at pos
induction x using Nat.strongInductionOn with
| ind x ih =>
rcases x with _ | x; case zero => simp [«f0=0»]

have «fx=x²f1» : f x = x ^ 2 * f 1 := by apply ih <;> simp
have := P x 1
rw [«fx=x²f1», ← sub_eq_zero] at this
replace this : (f (x + 1) - (x - 1) ^ 2 * f 1) * (f (x + 1) - (x + 1) ^ 2 * f 1) = 0 := by
rw [← this]; ring
rw [mul_eq_zero, sub_eq_zero, sub_eq_zero] at this

rcases this with «f(x+1)=(x-1)²*f1» | goal; case inr => exact goal

have := P (x + 1) (-2)
rw [show (x : ℤ) + 1 + (-2) = x - 1 by omega, even] at this
have «f(x-1)=(x-1)²*f1» : f ((x : ℤ) - 1) = ((x : ℤ) - 1) ^ 2 * f 1 := by
rcases Decidable.em ((x : ℤ) - 10) with h | h
rcases x with _ | x; case zero => simp [even]
simp; apply ih; omega; simp

simp at h; simp [h, even]

rw [«f2=4*f1», «f(x-1)=(x-1)²*f1», ← sub_eq_zero] at this
replace this : (f (x + 1) - (x + 1) ^ 2 * f 1) * (f (x + 1) - ((x : ℤ) - 3) ^ 2 * f 1) = 0 := by
rw [← this]; ring_nf
rw [mul_eq_zero, sub_eq_zero, sub_eq_zero] at this

rcases this with goal | «f(x+1)=(x-3)²*f1»; case inl => exact goal
have := «f(x+1)=(x-3)²*f1»
rw [«f(x+1)=(x-1)²*f1», mul_eq_mul_right_iff, pow_eq_pow_iff_cases] at this
cases this
case inr «f1=0» =>
rw [← one_mul (Int.ofNat x.succ), ext_eq_zero «f1=0», «f1=0»]; simp
case inl this =>
simp at this
have : x = 2 := by omega
simpa [this]

use f 1

-- for all `f` in solution set, `f` satisfies the constraint
case mp =>
rintro ((sol | sol) | sol)
intro a b c H
have c_eq : c = - (a + b) := by omega
rcases sol with ⟨d, h⟩

. rcases Int.even_or_odd a with evena | odda
simp [(h a).right evena]; rotate_left; simp [(h a).left odda]
rcases Int.even_or_odd b with evenb | oddb
simp [(h b).right evenb]; rotate_left; simp [(h b).left oddb]
. have evenc : Even c := by rw [c_eq, even_neg]; exact Odd.add_odd odda oddb
simp [(h c).right evenc]; ring
. have oddc : Odd c := by rw [c_eq, odd_neg]; exact Odd.add_even odda evenb
simp [(h c).left oddc]; ring
. have oddc : Odd c := by rw [c_eq, odd_neg, add_comm]; exact Odd.add_even oddb evena
simp [(h c).left oddc]; ring
. have evenc : Even c := by rw [c_eq, even_neg]; exact Even.add evena evenb
simp [(h c).right evenc]

. have mod4_cases (x : ℤ) : let r := x % 4; r = 0 ∨ r = 1 ∨ r = 2 ∨ r = 3 := by
induction x using myInduction <;> simp
have «c%4=?» : c % 4 = (8 - (a % 4) - (b % 4)) % 4 := by omega
rcases mod4_cases a with «a%4=?» | «a%4=?» | «a%4=?» | «a%4=?»
have «fa=?» := h a; simp [«a%4=?»] at «fa=?»
rcases mod4_cases b with «b%4=?» | «b%4=?» | «b%4=?» | «b%4=?»
have «fb=?» := h b; simp [«b%4=?»] at «fb=?»

rw [«a%4=?», «b%4=?»] at «c%4=?»
have «fc=?» := h c; simp [«c%4=?»] at «fc=?»
rw [«fa=?», «fb=?», «fc=?»]

. rw [c_eq, h, h, h]

end Imo2012P4

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