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A transpiler that compiles into LaTeX.

Why need a LaTeX transpiler?

I used to make several documentations using LaTeX (or plainTeX, but TeX is quite cumbersome to write a document, especially very complex tables or put an image, for example). However, its markdown like syntax is not confortable to use it. For example, there is a simple LaTeX document.

% coprime is my custom class. See
\documentclass[tikz, geometry]{coprime}

\settitle{My First Document}{Sungbae Jeong}{}
\setgeometry{a4paper, margin = 2.5cm}

Hello, World!
        \draw (0,0) -- (1,1);

Upper code is a figure using tikz.


What I am anoying about to use it is \begin and \end block. Is there a way to write much simpler? This question makes me to start this project. Currently, below code is generated into upper LaTeX code using vesti except comments.

% coprime is my custom class. See
docclass coprime (tikz, geometry)

\settitle{My First Document}{Sungbae Jeong}{}
\setgeometry{a4paper, margin = 2.5cm}


Hello, World!
useenv figure [ht] {
    useenv tikzpicture {
        \draw (0,0) -- (1,1);

Upper code is a figure using tikz.


$ zig build --prefix-exe-dir <path to install> -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe


This language is in beta version, so future break changes can be exist. Beware to use in the large projects.