This is an opininated cookiecutter project template for a namespaced python package.
# install cookiecutter
pip install cookiecutter
# create a new project folder with the template
cookiecutter git+ssh://[email protected]/e2fyi/py-quickstart.git
: general python version to use (e.g. 2.7, 3.6, or 3.7) - this is use formypy
, etc.pyenv_python_version
: specific python version to use (e.g. 3.7.4) - this is use to setup the pyenv environment (usepyenv install --list
to see the list of available python).
It provides a Makefile
to run some of the common tasks (e.g. format, test):
# autoformat codes with docformatter, isort, and black
make format
# check style, formats, and code complexity
make check
# check style, formats, code complexity, and run unit tests
make test
# test everything including building the package and check the sdist
make test-all
# run unit test only
make test-only
# generate and update the requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt
make requirements
# generate the docs with sphinx and autoapi extension
make docs
# generate distributions
make dists
# publish to pypi with twine (twine must be configured)
make publish
is also the package
manager used for this project template. It is recommended for the venv
to be
created inside the project folder (set env variable PIPENV_VENV_IN_PROJECT=1
to enable this).
Optionally, it is also recommended to setup pyenv
and direnv
for your dev environment:
: to manage different version of pythonsdirenv
: to manage and load profiles for each project directory
This is an example workflow to setup your project env after creating the project folder with the cookiecutter template:
# enter project folder
cd <package_name>
# check active pyenv python version
pyenv version
# if you get message like "pyenv: version `X.X.X' is not installed"
# install appropriate python version with pyenv
pyenv install --list # see list of available python versions
pyenv install <python_version> # install the stated python version
# install pipenv if not installed
pip install pipenv
# setup venv with pipenv using the active pyenv python
pipenv install --python=$(pyenv which python)
# enable direnv - i.e. pipenv venv will be automatically loaded when you
# enters the project folder
direnv allow
# if needed, reload the profile
direnv reload
is selected as the main code