[2.13.0] - 2023-05-12
[FIXED] another correction of shunt values in CIGRE HV
[FIXED] deprecated np.typedict to np.sctypedict in cim converter
[ADDED] reporting for cim2pp converter
[ADDED] interfaces for repair functions for cim2pp converter
[ADDED] using PandaModels to optimize reactive power provision for loading reduction
[FIXED] several bugs in cim2pp converter, e.g. non linear tap changer issue
[FIXED] shape issues when calculating SC with the superposition method
[FIXED] typos in cim2pp tutorial
[FIXED] creating geo coordinates form GL profile when ConnectivityNode is only in tp/tp_bd profile for cim2pp converter
[FIXED] bugfix in _get_bus_v_results where vm_pu was not set for DC power flow, leading to old results staying in the bus results table
[ADDED] simple cim2pp converter test
[CHANGED] run ac pf instead of dc pf in estimation when parameter fuse_buses_with_bb_switch != 'all'
[REMOVED] support for deprecated functions in
: :code:check_unique_group_names
, :code:append_to_group
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