A utility-first RedM libraries for rapidly building menu & scripts.
For the full documentation, visit docs.jumpon-studios.com.
- Animation
- Blip
- Callback
- Clothes
- Database
- Dataview
- Entity
- Framework bridge
- Hook
- Me
- Menu
- Notification
- Ped texture
- Prompt
- String
- Table
- Timeout
- UI
- Utils
- To use libraries, add the initiator as a shared script inside of your fxmanifest.lua file.
shared_scripts {
- List modules you want use inside the fxmanifest.lua (in lowercase)
jo_libs {
- You can now use the libraries inside of your resource with the jo global variable.
For help, discussion, support or any other conversations: Join the Jump On Studios Discord Server
If you're interested in constributing to Jo Libraries, please open a new PR.