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Operate: Tournament Data

Evan Shimizu edited this page Jan 31, 2019 · 1 revision

The tournament tab includes data entry for the current standings or bracket of a league.

Tournament Data - general

General Settings

  • Tournament Label - A title for the current tournament. Displays in a variety of overlays.
  • Standings Format - Determines how the tournament-standings.html page displays the standings
    • Cycle - Displays all of the standings N at a time, where N is the Standings Limit value.
    • Top N - Displays the top N teams, where N is the Standings Limit value. This version does not cycle.
    • Team Focus - Displays the Focused team (magnifying glass button) and the teams around it. Displays at most N teams, where N is the Standings Limit
    • All + Team Focus - An experimental view that highlights the focused team and displays their standing as in Team Focus mode, while also presenting a compact view of the entire field with the focused team highlighted.
  • Standings Limit - Maximum number of teams to show in a single view of the tournament standings.
  • Record Format - How the Record column of the Tournament Standings should be rendered
  • Bracket Format - Determines how the bracket is arranged.


Tournament Standings

Each row has the following data:

  • Rank - Numeric rank of the team. You can enter these in any order and the overlay will sort them for you. They might not display in order.
  • Team - Team Name
  • Logo - Team Logo. Standard URL (http) or local file. Use the folder button to browse for local file, use the eraser button to delete the logo
  • Win - Wins
  • Loss - Losses
  • Draw - Draws
  • Ops
    • Highlight (Star) - Highlights a team in the standings. Visual effect. There can be multiple highlighted teams.
    • Focus (Magnifying Glass) - Sets a team as the focused team. Highlights them in the standings and enables the "Team Focus" standings formats. There can only be one focused team.
    • Delete (Red Trash) - Deletes a team from the standings. This is immediate and permanent.

New Team rows can be added with the Add Row button. As with most other parts of the app, nothing will be updated until you click the Update button.


Tournament Bracket

Brackets will display the available rounds (determined by Bracket Format) in this tab. Team names are populated from the Standings tab, so even if there is no ranking for the teams, they need to be entered in that tab for the Brackets to work. Note that you don't have to assign them a rank if only using brackets.

Each round has the following controls:

  • Team - Team name. Automatically pulls the logo from the Standings list.
  • Score - Round score. You can leave blank to indicate not yet played.
  • Win - Check this button to indicate which team won. You can uncheck this if you make a mistake. Teams will automatically advance to the next bracket stage according to which team won (in the above example, you can see that the winner of Semifinal 1 moved to Finals immediately when the win button was clicked)

As with most other app elements, this does not update in the overlays until you click the Update button.