Solutions for 30-Day LeetCoding Challenge
This release contains solutions for 30-Day LeetCoding Challenge.
LeetCode # | Title | Difficulty | Topics |
33 | Search in Rotated Sorted Array | Medium | Array, Binary Search |
49 | Group Anagrams | Medium | Hash Table, String |
53 | Maximum Subarray | Easy | Array, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming |
55 | Jump Game | Medium | Array, Greedy |
64 | Minimum Path Sum | Medium | Array, Dynamic Programming |
122 | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II | Easy | Array, Greedy |
124 | Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum | Hard | Tree, Depth-first Search |
136 | Single Number | Easy | Hash table, bit manipulation |
146 | LRU Cache | Medium | Design |
155 | Min Stack | Easy | Stack, Design |
200 | Number of Islands | Medium | Depth-first Search, Breadth-first Search, Union Find |
201 | Bitwise AND of Numbers Range | Medium | Bit Manipulation |
202 | Happy Number | Easy | Hash Table, Math |
221 | Maximal Square | Medium | Dynamic Programming |
238 | Product of Array Except Self | Medium | Array |
283 | Move Zeroes | Easy | Array, Two Pointers |
525 | Contiguous Array | Medium | Hash Table |
543 | Diameter of Binary Tree | Easy | Tree |
560 | Subarray Sum Equals K | Medium | Array, Hash Table |
678 | Valid Parenthesis String | Medium | String |
844 | Backspace String Compare | Easy | Two Pointers, Stack |
876 | Middle of the Linked List | Easy | Linked List |
1008 | Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal | Medium | Tree |
1046 | Last Stone Weight | Easy | Heap, Greedy |
1143 | Longest Common Subsequence | Medium | Dynamic Programming |
1426 | Counting Elements | - | - |
1427 | Perform String Shifts | - | - |
1428 | Leftmost Column with at Least a One | - | - |
1429 | First Unique Number | - | - |
1430 | Check If a String Is a Valid Sequence from Root to Leaves Path in a Binary Tree | - | - |