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  1. git clone [email protected]:ecmra/asms.git
  2. install rust following

(this typically boils down to

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh


  1. cd asms

  2. cargo build -r

the executable is in asms/target/release/asms


asms scans mapped reads from diploid genomes searching for allele specific methylation, with the help of known genetic variants or simply by looking at methylation patterns. Reads must contain methylation information encoded with MM/ML tags (see SAM tags sepc). An asms workflow starts by selecting a number of regions at intermediate methylation values, then it tries to cluster the reads on those loci in two groups based on the methylation patterns appearing on the reads themselves.

asms has 4 subcommands: scan, cluster, filter and scan-vcf.

A simple worflow example

Selecting interesting regions with scan

asms scan [--nadj][--merge_distance][--region] <file.bed.gz> <outdir>

where file.bed.gz is a bedmthyl file compressed with bgzip and indexed with tabix (hence there will be a file of the form <file.bed.gz.tbi> in the same directory). The bedmethylfile shoud not contain strand-spefific information; eg if creating it with modkit, use the --combine-strands option; likewise, the file should only contain information about methylated CpGs. Loci which are not related to 5mC modifications are skipped; loci where the strand is not . or + are also skipped.

The output will be in the file <outdir>/merged-im.bed; <outdir> might contain other temporary files useful for debugging or more in depth analysis.

<outdir>/merged-im.bed has 5 columns; the first three are the coordinates for an intermediate methylation region, followed by its length and the number of CpGs it contains. Fig.\ref{intermediate} shows a typical output, in this case part of an imprinting control region on chr15.

example of output of asms scan: part of the imprinting control region for the SNURF gene.\label{intermediate}


--nadj <integer> there must be at least nadj adjacent CpGs with intermediate methylation to call a region.

--merge_distance <integer> regions will be merged if they are closer than the merge distance.

--region <chr:start-stop> perform the scan only in the specified genomic stretch.


After generating a list of intermediate regions, one can cluster the reads mapping on them using

asms cluster <bedfn> <bamfn> <reference> <outdir> 

the command line arguments are as follows:

where <bedfn> is a BED files containing regions for the clustering algorithm to work on (typically merged-im.bed). <bamfn> is the alignment file (BAM/CRAM); <reference> is and indexed FASTA reference and the <outdir> directory which will contain the clustering results. If alignments are contained in a CRAM file the reference must correspond to the one used in creating the CRAM.

asms cluster will create 3 subdirectories of outdir called outdir/matrices, outdir/clusters and outdir/stats plus a file in outdir/ called stats-summary.txt which contain descriptive statistics for each locus which has been clustered.


After clustering the last step is listing the putative allele specific methylation regions. the command line is:

asm <bedfn> <outdir> where <bedfn> typically has been created by a previous asms scan command (which by default writes merged-im.bed) and <outdir> contains the stats subdirectory written by asms cluster. the output of asm is in <outdir>/asm.bed

This is a BED9 file with the following header: chrom chromStart chromEnd name score(nCpG) pop0 pop1 m0 m1

where pop0, pop1 is the size of the two clusters of reads and m0,m1 is the median methylation in the two clusters. The score(nCpg) column counts the number of CpGs in each ASM region.

See figure\ref{asm} for an example of methylation values in selected ASM regions.

Distribution of methylation values in putative ASMs\label{asm}


checks a list of known variants (in a .vcf file) and prints out a region surronding SNPs falling in a locus where methylation is intermediate. Regions obtained in this way can be used for clustering and asm-calling.

More details on the subcommands

Bot scan and scan-vcf have a --region option which restricts the analysis to a specific genome stretch. The subcommand cluster does not output on stdout as it needs typically to write multiple files (eg there is one matrix and one cluster per entry in the list of regions contained in a bed file). Similarly for scan which generates 2 files inside outdir. The subcommand scan-vcf writes to stdout.

Scripts for plotting the results

There are 2 python scripts in the src/ directory (or bundled with the binary) which can be used to plot the results of asms. Examples of a binarized matrix (fig.\ref{matrix}) and its corresponding clusters (fig.\ref{clusters}) are shown below.

matrix with binarized methylation data\label{matrix}

corresponding clusters\label{clusters}

Alternatives and limitations

It is possible to find allele specific methylation by phasing the reads and looking at differences in methylation across haplotypes. asms helps in those case where phasing is not practical (eg because too expensive, or in regions withouth enough density of heterozygous variants).


github issues and/or pull requests. email to emanuele dot raineri at cnag dot eu


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