- Forked from https://github.com/ckdarby/
- This is a basic PHP wrapper for https://uptimerobot.com/api
- Configure the $config apiKey
- Must be running PHP >= 5.4 and php-curl
- Format will be JSON & there will be no JSONCallback
- Copy this directory to somewhere that Zabbix agent can access.
- Add the following lines to zabbix-agent.conf
- Restart the Zabbix-Agent.
# Discovery rule
UserParameter=uptimerobot.list,php /{{my_dir}}/uptimeRobot.php
# Item Prototype
UserParameter=uptimerobot.state[*],php /{{my_dir}}/uptimeRobot.php "$1"
- Zabbix Template included in the directory. Import that into Zabbix.