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A Docker container GitHub action that can be used to parse the log output from the Markdown Link Check action.


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Markdown link check log parser

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A Docker container GitHub action that can be used to parse the log from a GitHub Action - Markdown link check step.

As of writing this, the GitHub Action - Markdown link check doesn't provide information from the Markdown link check as output of the action and there's even a long outstanding open issue about it. This action is an alternative solution for that issue.


This action is based on the log from the Markdown Link Check action and since logs are only available when a worklfow is completed, we need to run this action on a separate workflow.

The recommended approach is to create a workflow that is triggered when the workflow that runs the Markdown Link Check action completes. You can do that as follows:

# This workflow runs the Markdown Link Check action
name: Markdown Link Check

    branches: [ main ]

    name: Run Markdown Link Check
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Markdown Link Check
      uses: gaurav-nelson/github-action-markdown-link-check@v1
        use-quiet-mode: no
# This workflow runs the Markdown Link Check log parser and is triggered when the above workflow completes
name: Markdown Link Check log parser

    workflows: [
      "Markdown Link Check"
    - completed

    shell: pwsh

    name: Markdown Link Check log parser
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Run markdown link check log parser
      id: mlc-log-parser
      uses: edumserrano/markdown-link-check-log-parser@v1
        run-id: '${{ }}'
        job-name: 'Run Markdown Link Check'
        step-name: 'Markdown Link Check'
        only-errors: 'false'
        output: 'step, json, md'
        json-filepath: './mlc-json-result.json'
        markdown-filepath: './'
    - name: Dump output from previous step
      run: |
        $result = '${{ steps.mlc-log-parser.outputs.mlc-result }}' | ConvertFrom-Json
        Write-Output "Total files checked: $($result.TotalFilesChecked)"
        Write-Output "Total links chedked: $($result.TotalLinksChecked)"
        Write-Output "Has erros: $($result.HasErrors)"
        $resultAsJsonIndented = ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 $result
        Write-Output $resultAsJsonIndented # outputs the markdown link check result as an indented JSON string
    - name: Dump JSON file output
      run: |
        cat  ${{ github.workspace }}/mlc-json-result.json
    - name: Dump Markdown file output
      run: |
        cat  ${{ github.workspace }}/

Since logs aren't available until the workflow completes, if you try to use this action on the same workflow that is runs the Markdown Link Check action you will get an error similar to:

An error occurred trying to execute the command to parse the log from a Markdown link check step.
- Failed to download workflow run logs. Got 404 NotFound from GET

Action inputs

Name                                                   Description Required Default
auth-token GitHub token used to access workflow run logs (GITHUB_TOKEN or a repo scoped PAT). yes github.token (job token)
repo The full name of the repository for the workflow run in the format of {owner}/{repo}. yes github.repository (current repository)
run-id The unique identifier of the workflow run that contains the markdown link check step. yes ---
job-name The name of the job that contains the markdown link check step. yes ---
step-name The name of the markdown link check step. yes ---
only-errors Whether the output information contains file errors only or all files. no true
output How to output the markdown file check result. It must be one of or a comma separated list of the following values: step-json, step-md file-json, file-md. no step-json
json-filepath The filepath for the output JSON file, relative to the github workspace folder. no ---
markdown-filepath The filepath for the output markdown file, relative to the github workspace folder. no ---
Output option Description
step-json Writes the log parser result as JSON to the step's outputs. Cannot be specified in combination with step-md option.
step-md Writes the log parser result as markdown to the step's outputs. Cannot be specified in combination with step-json option.
file-json Writes the log parser result as JSON to a file.
file-md Writes the log parser result as markdown to a file.

Action outputs

Name Description
mlc-result The result from the Markdown Link Check action in JSON format.

Note that the action also allows outputing the result from the Markdown Link Check action into a JSON file or into a Markdown files through the use of the appropriate action inputs.


  • You can use the markdown file or the markdown step output that is produced by this action and display it on the job summary, or on a Pull Request, or on an Issue.
  • If you want a custom markdown file instead of the one that is produced by default you can process the JSON output from the Markdown Link Check log parser step or the JSON file produced and create a markdown to your liking.
  • You can upload the files produced by this action as build artifacts for later retrieval.
  • The json-filepath and markdown-filepath inputs from this action are relative to the github workspace folder. This means that if you specify a path such as ./output.json then the file will be created at ${{ github.workspace }}/output.json. Note that the github workspace is the default working directory on the runner for steps, and the default location of your repository when using the checkout action. For example, /home/runner/work/my-repo-name/my-repo-name.

Examples of the JSON file produced

Examples of the markdown file produced

Notes regarding the Markdown Link Check log

The output from this action depends on the log generated by the Markdown Link Check action. And as such note that:

  • The default value for the output option for this action is step which outputs the result of parsing the Markdown Link Check action as an output of the step that runs the Markdown Link Check log parser action. However, you should note that there is a maximum size for the output of a step. As of writing this the maximum size for the output of a step is 1 MB.
  • If the output from this action exceeds the limit of 1 MB for the step output you can still set the output option to json or md and the output will be written to files. You can then upload these files as build artifacts or add their contents to job summaries, Pull Requests or Issues.
  • If you set the Markdown Link Check option use-quiet-mode to yes then the output from this action will only have information regarding errors. The statistics produced will only be about errors and not the full links in your markdown files.
  • If the output from the Markdown Link Check action changes then this action might not work as expected. This action was tested against version 1.0.13. You should be able to trust that as long as the build status badges on the top of this README are green then this action is working as expected.

Example usages of this action in GitHub workflows

  • This workflow is used to test that the action works as expected.
  • This workflow shows the usage of the action as part of a process that creates a GitHub issue when broken links are found. The result from this action is added to the issue.

Troubleshooting: I can't figure out the right job name and step name to use

You can download the logs from your workflow by:

  1. Go into the job of of the workflow where you are running the Markdown Link Check action.
  2. Select the cog wheel that shows on the top right and you will see an option to download the logs as shown by the image below.


You can then extract the log zip file and you can find which file contains the log for the Markdown Link Check step. The job name will be equal to the folder name where the Markdown Link Check step log is. The step name will be equal to the name of the log file for the Markdown Link Check step but without the prefix for the 'number_'.


If the log file for the Markdown Link Check step is named 5_Markdown link check.txt and this file is inside a folder named Check links then the action inputs should be:

  • job-name: 'Check links'
  • step-name: 'Markdown link check'

Dev notes

For notes aimed at developers working on this repo or just trying to understand it go here. It will show you how to build and run the solution among other things.