exechelper is a simple wrapper around standard go 'exec' that tries to follow the spirit of its API closely
Its main features are:
- It allows you to pass strings containing the command you want executed instead of an array of args.
- It's Start() returns an errCh that will get zero or one errors, and be closed after the command has finished running
- You can use the WithXYZ pattern to do things like customize things like Stdout, Stdin, StdError, Dir, and Env variables
if err := exechelper.Run("go list -m");err != nil {...}
if err := exechelper.Run("go list -m",WithEnv(os.Environs()));err != nil {...}
if err := exechelper.Run("go list -m",WithDir(dir)); err != nil {...}
outputBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
errBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]bytes{})
if err := exechelper.Run("go list -m",WithStdout(outputBuffer),WithStderr(errBuffer));err != nil {...}
ctx,cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
errCh := exechelper.Start(startContext,"spire-server run",WithContext(ctx))
// cancel() - will stop the running cmd if its still running
// <-errCh - provides any error from the Start. Will always have zero or one err, so <-errCh will block until Start has finished
// For non-zero Exit code will return a exec.ExitError
// Note: cancel() will almost always result in a non-zero exit code
Similarly, exechelper.Output(...), exechelper.CombinedOutput(...) are provided.
WithStdout and WithStderr can be used multiple times, with each provided io.Writer provided getting a copy of the stdout/stderr. As many WithStdout or WithStderr options may be used on the same Run/Start/Output/CombinedOutput as you wish
outputBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
errBuffer := bytes.NewBuffer([]bytes{})
if err := exechelper.Run("go list -m",WithStdout(outputBuffer),WithStderr(errBuffer),WithStdout(os.Stdout),WithStderr(os.Stderr));err != nil {...}
// stdout of "go list -m" is written to both outputBuffer and os.Stdout. stderr is written to both errBuffer and os.Stdout
By default, canceling the context on a Start will result in SIGKILL being sent to the child process (this is how exec.Cmd works). It is often useful to send SIGTERM first, and allow a grace period before sending SIGKILL to allow processes the opportunity to clean themselves up.
ctx,cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
errCh := exechelper.Start(startContext,"spire-server run",WithContext(ctx),WithGracePeriod(30*time.Second))
// Calling cancel will send SIGTERM to the spire-server and wait up to 30 seconds for it to exit before sending SIGKILL
// errCh will receive any errors from the exit of spire-server immediately after spire-server exiting, whether that
// is immediately, any time during the 30 second grace period, or after the SIGKILL is sent