Welcome to the ScoreoidX for Cocos2d-x wiki!
ScoreoidX is a wrapper for using Scoreoid leaderboards in your project. The nice thing about Scoreoid is that the interface is using http/https calls and returns xml or json files. ScoreoidX uses rapidjson (included) to process the json results. With this api you can also perform a user login, if the user is unknown you can (optionally) automatically create a new one . There is no need to install any additional sdks for Scoreoid.
Take a look at their website for more information and to register.
Copy the following folders to the classes folder of your project: ScoreoidX rapidjson
Include the Scoreoid.h file in the class where you want to use it, extend this class with ScoreoidDelegate. For example:
#include "Scoreoid.h" #include "CrossPlatform.h"
class HelloWorld : public cocos2d::CCLayer, public ScoreoidDelegate { };
Add the callbacks to the header file:
// Scoreoid delegates
// Returns a single score
virtual void scoreCallback(SOScore* score,SOResult result) {}
// Returns an array of scores. !!The getPlayerScores will also callback to this callback!!
virtual void scoresCallback(CCArray* scores,SOResult result) {}
// Returns player data
virtual void playerCallback(SOPlayer* player,SOResult result){}
// Returns an array of players
virtual void playersCallback(CCArray* players,SOResult result){}
// Returns game information
virtual void gameCallback(SOGame* game,SOResult result) {}
// Returns all notifications for this game
virtual void notificationsCallback(CCArray* notifications,SOResult result) {}
// Will be called after init, check result to see if the init was successful
virtual void scoreoidAvailable(SOGame* game,SOResult result) {}
And implement them in the implementation file, see HelloWorldScene.cpp for the examples. Initialize the scoreoid singleton:
* Scoreoid
// Set the delegate
// Init scoreoid with your GAME_ID and API_KEY
Scoreoid::GetInstance()->initScoreoid("INSERT GAME_ID", "API_KEY");
ScoreoidX will try to get the game data and will perform a callback to scoreoidAvailable with the game data. You should check the result in the SOResult struct to see if the init was successful.
Use the following to do a user login to Scoreoid:
// Login to Scoreoid using an unique identifier
Scoreoid::GetInstance()->login(USER_ID, false);
This new version of ScoreoidX returns objects related to the API request:
SOScore : A score object SONotification : notifications SOPlayer : player info SOGame : game info When the API returns a single field the correct field will be filled in the returned object. If the API returns a unknown field or value this will be put in the SOResult struct.
If the API returns multiple results (players, scores) , the return object will be a CCArray with relevant objects (an array of SOScore, SOPlayer).