Dependency updates
🏠 Internal changes
chore:volto 16 in tests, update docs, fix stylint overrides [valentinab25 - 9b4a52d
🏠 Documentation changes
docs: Add demo gif [Crețu Mihaela - aa40c1f
🏠 Internal changes
chore: husky, lint-staged use fixed versions [valentinab25 - d67a60f
🏠 Internal changes
chore: husky, lint-staged use fixed versions [valentinab25 - 29bc412
chore:volto 16 in tests, update docs, fix stylelint overrides [valentinab25 - 94a5421
🏠 Internal changes
chore:volto 16 in tests, update docs, fix stylelint overrides [valentinab25 - 22d4d33
🛠️ Others
Update README [Cretu Mihaela - bb00695
Remove the two old screenshots [Silviu Bogan - 71d0944
Update some screenshots [Silviu Bogan - efe9b39
Fix border [Alin Voinea - 15e6267
Cosmetics [Alin Voinea - d05d2ab
Update layout screenshot [Alin Voinea - 5f9ea67
Add new screenshots [Alin Voinea - fba80cd
Move screenshot to docs [Alin Voinea - e01c24e
🏠 Internal changes
chore: husky, lint-staged use fixed versions [valentinab25 - 7fe0782
🏠 Internal changes
chore: husky, lint-staged use fixed versions [valentinab25 - e683e8b
chore:volto 16 in tests, update docs, fix stylelint overrides [valentinab25 - 9595c2d
🛠️ Others
Update README [Cretu Mihaela - d91c0f5
🛠️ Others
Update README [Cretu Mihaela - c25444d
Add volto metadata section block demo [Alin Voinea - 6121d8e
Update volto-metadata-block gif [Alin Voinea - 44f9edc
🏠 Internal changes
chore:volto 16 in tests, update docs, fix stylelint overrides [valentinab25 - 0fba06c
🛠️ Others
Update README [Cretu Mihaela - 4fb3ce8
🏠 Internal changes
chore: husky, lint-staged use fixed versions [valentinab25 - 139d018
🏠 Documentation changes
🛠️ Others
test: add unit tests [ana-oprea - 1c1cf17
🏠 Internal changes
chore: husky, lint-staged use fixed versions [valentinab25 - 574d49b
chore:volto 16 in tests, update docs, fix stylelint overrides [valentinab25 - f525f94
🏠 Internal changes
chore: husky, lint-staged use fixed versions [valentinab25 - 13a5352
chore:volto 16 in tests, update docs, fix stylelint overrides [valentinab25 - 0ffd8a1
🛠️ Others
Update README [Cretu Mihaela - d13be51
🏠 Internal changes
chore:volto 16 in tests, update docs, fix stylelint overrides [valentinab25 - 4eb68b6
🛠️ Others
Update README [Cretu Mihaela - 42d5a69
🏠 Internal changes
chore: husky, lint-staged use fixed versions [valentinab25 - 9879aa5
🛠️ Others
Release 19.1.0 [Alin Voinea - 24ae853
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