Small change to how the google login works for
Instead of going into twinkle toes server changed to you can add your own Google APP
Configuration is pretty straight forward after copying files into you booked instalation, go into the config file and add your google app credentials If you don't have your own you can crete one here:
You are going to need to add your Client ID, secret and your redirect URI in the config file. THE REDIRECT PATH NEEDS TO BE ABSOLUTE POINTING TO "googleAuth.php" IN YOUR WEB FOLDER.
Uses the Google PHP SDK Client Library to get the user information so it must be installed into /WebService/Google this is were I assume it will be installed and were the paths are set too. Needs to be installed using Composer-> composer require google/apiclient:"^2.0" Or manually installed
Do not forget to add your redirect uri to the google app as well when creating it, so it knows where to go. Example image