This GitHub repository is to accompany the following manuscript:
Emily F. Watts, Brian P. Waldron, and Shawn R. Kuchta. 2024. Hard edges, soft edges, and species range evolution: A genomic analysis of the Cumberland Plateau salamander
This repository is organized with scripts used to analyse the data used in this manuscript. These subtitles are in accordance with the subtitles used in the Materials and Methods in the manuscript.
Includes the ODMAP protocol and the script we used to apply 'SDMTune' to parameterize our models.
Includes the script used to apply 'tess3r' and sNMF using 'LEA,' the script used to apply 'conStruct,' the DAPC script, and the script employing the R package 'poppr' to quantify genetic variation.
Contains the R scripts used to apply 'BEDASSLE' and apply the multiple matrix regression with randomization (MMRR).
Contains the parm files for the east and west clusters and the scripts used to call MIGRATE-N.