Compose to create working YouTrack server
This configuration use official images
Clone this repository or download the zip.
git clone
They must be accessible to the user account that is used to run YouTrack service inside the container. YouTrack uses the non-root account 13001:13001 (group:id, respectively).
mkdir -p /srv/letsencrypt && mkdir -p -m 750 /srv/youtrack/{data,conf,backups,logs} && chown -R 13001:13001 /srv/youtrack
HTTPs entry point is enabled by default thanks to traefik.
All you need is just set your domain name and email variables in env.example
and rename env.example to .env
Don't push .env
file in public repositories!
[email protected]
Next, build the images: make build
docker-compose build --pull
All working folders will be mapped to /opt/youtrack/*
on a host.
Now you can Up the service and continue settings in Web Interface: make up
docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs -f -t --tail=10
Note: First start can take a long time. Check logs to be sure everything ok:
After initialisation Web Interface will be available on https://yourdockerhost/
Note: your SSL certs will be saved in /srv/letsencrypt folder.
Bug reports, bug fixes and new features are always welcome. Please open issues and submit pull requests for any new code.