Bot Telegram as Helper
- "telegraf": "4.8.6"
- "dotenv": "^16.0.1"
- First of all you need bot Token that you can get from @BotFather in Telegram apps. Nb find the one with bluecheck ✅
for starting your journey do this greeting to father and then;
father will ask several questions to you, just respond to each question as a normal people did read it carefully and follow if he give you an instruction
*I think its only two steps, there will be a long text from father and you must find after HTTP API: 54321312:som3text_youshould_save
copy it somewhere save, i mean it!, cause that's what we need, a TOKEN
type make bot_config
it'll install all of the dependencies and give you .env file, paste your token replace the given value inside .env
and then for test purposes you can type make bot_on
oh yea, anything you want to change it's inside index.js