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| React Tombstone ||
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This project will only work if your components have been added to a folder under a file called index.js
for example:
will have to see how that performs
Install dependencies
npm install
Add the full path to your project in:
In the root folder run:
node .
- Gets all the JavaScript files in your project
- Creates a list of all the index.js files and gets their parent directory
it will grab:
- Goes through all JavaScript files and pulls out the import statements
- Cleans the import statements
import MyComponent from 'my/component_folder/index'
import MyComponent from 'my/component_folder'
import MyComponent from 'SomeAliasFolder/component_folder'
import MyComponent from './full/path/to/component_folder'
import MyComponent from '.'
import MyComponent from './full/path/to/component_folder'
- Next it loops through all import statements checks whether the statement includes our component folder
- It makes a list of all component folders that aren't imported anywhere and sends them for deletion
- Finally it goes and deletes the folders, then repeats the process until there are no unused components.
If there are any folders marked for deletion that contains sub folders it will stop the process and you will have to manually correct and re run.
For example:
├── other_component_folder/
├── and_another_component_folder/
└── index.js
- add tests