Comparator is a javascript library that can be used to host a dynamic comparison-generator on websites.
When installed, the webeditor merely needs to write "positions" in to the nodes.xml file, and comparison sentences into the relations.xml file. Then the library will create a circle with the positions. Click the nodes in order to move them into the center, and then click the appearing connection-buttons in order to see comparisons.
v0.41: June 2016
- Couple of bugfixes; streamlining with future php-version.
v0.4: May 2016
- Add comments in the singular-nodes view.
v0.3: May 2016
- Added posibility of defining names of external links in comparissons.
- Can now handle external links for singular nodes (with/-out defined linknames).
v0.2: April 2015
- Can now handle external links and audio-files in comparissons.
v0.1: March/April 2015
- First public release.