This repository contains the src files for ros definitions and drivers of syclop as well as gazebo simulation.
- gazebo_dvs_plugin.
- single_edge2 (gazebo model) [TODO: add model to rep].
- ros_control pkg (?)
- ...
First, follow the instructions in gazebo_dvs_plugin to install dvs ros drivers and Gazebo plugin.
Then, clone this package (syclop_description, syclop_control and syclop_gazebo directories) into your workspace (e.g. catkin_ws/src) and rebuild ('catkin build' or 'catkin_make').
for each step (1-4) open a new terminal source the env file (source ./ros-gazebo.env) and run the cmd:
- roslaunch syclop_gazebo syclop_world.launch
- roslaunch syclop_control syclop_control.launch
- roslaunch syclop_control syclop_rqt.launch (optional)
- roslaunch syclop_gazebo gazebo_dvs_renderer.launch (optional)