I do research as a PhD student in the Erill Lab, where I study the evolution of gene regulatory networks.
I use information theory to uncover general principles of molecular evolution. In a work we recently pubished as a pre-print, currently submitted to the Journal of Theoretical Biology, we show mathematically predictable patterns in the evolution of transcription factor binding motifs on DNA β ITCM project
I'm developing computational methods to detect transcriptional cross-regulation between chromosomal genes and mobile genetic elements β MGE-TF project.
I'm also developing new models of transcriptional regulation that can account for variable spacers in DNA binding motifs (due to flexible components), as well as DNA shape features. The software we are developing can learn complex DNA patterns from biological data (promoters of known target genes) using an evolutionary algorithm β FLEMINGO project
We have shown that some viruses evolve host-MGE cross-regulations to hack the gene network of the host they infect and synchronize lysis with the host life cycle (Mascolo et al. 2022), via computational prediction and experimental validation β LPEG phages project
We discovered the first known case of a virus that attaches to another virus (paper) by combining microscopy and bioinformatics β SPA project