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A minimal model-based javascript validation library

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  • 🧑‍💻 Minimal model-based javascript validation library
  • 🧱 Can be used with any javascript framework
  • 💚 Offers 30+ built-in validation rules
  • 🚸 Easy to use api, inspired from the Laravel validation syntax
  • 🧪 High test coverage


npm install @elieandraos/clockwork --save


import Clockwork from '@elieandraos/clockwork'
const validator = new Clockwork()

Basic validation

Clockwork validates a given data object against a given rules object

// define the data and rules objects
      name: '',
      email: ''
        name: 'required',
        email: 'required'

if ( validator.passes() ) {
    // ... do something when input data are valid

// alternately, you could do the inverse
if (validator.fails() ) {
    // ... do something when input data are not valid

Complex model validation

  • "dot annotations" for nested object properties validation
  • multiple rules are separated with a pipe
  • rules that accept an additional paramter are suffixed with a semi column followed by the parameter
  • rule paramter can be static or from the data object itself
      person: {
         name: null,
         age: null,
         email: null
      domain: ''
        '': 'required | alpha',
        'person.age': 'required | integer | min:18',
        '': 'required | email | ends_with:domain' // here domain will be evaluated as ''

Accessing the error bag

Clockwork provides 4 helper methods to access any validation error:

   .setData({ name: null, age: 10 })
   .setRules({ name: 'required', age: 'min:12' })

if(validator.fails()) {
    validator.hasErrors() // checks if there is any error
    validator.hasErrors('name') // checks if there is any error for the 'name' field
    validator.getErrors() // returns all the error messages
    validator.getErrors('name') // returns all the error messages of the 'name' field

    validator.getFirstError() // returns the first error message found
    validator.getFirstError('name') // returns the first error message found of the 'name' field
    validator.getErrorBag() // returns the error bag object as it is

Custom error messages

Custom error message can be defined with setCustomErrorMesssages() method. This method accepts an object of key/value pairs:

  • The key is the data property concatenated with the rule name
  • The value is the custom message
   .setData({ name: null })
   .setRules({ name: 'required' })
   .setCustomErrorMessages({ 'name.required' : 'You must enter your name' })

For rules with parameters, add {param} to into the error message and it will be parsed.

   .setData({ age: null })
   .setRules({ age: 'min:18' })
   .setCustomErrorMessages({ 'age.min' : 'You must be at least {param} years old' }) // returns: You must be at least 18 years old

Custom rules

Custom rules can be created with the extend() method. This method accepts three parameters:

  • The first, is the name of the rule name
  • The second, is the closure (should return a boolean) that should be executed when calling the rule
  • The third (optional), is the rule's error message (default: 'Invalid')
   .setData({ age: null })
   .setRules({ age: 'greater_than:18' })
   .extend( 'greated_than', (value, arg) => {
      return value > arg
   }, 'Age must be greater than {param}')

Built-in rules

Rules Description
after:date The field under validation must be a value after a given date
after_or_equal:date The field under validation must be a value after or equal a given date
alpha The field under validation must be entirely alphabetic characters
alpha_dash The field under validation may have alpha characters, as well as dashes and underscores
alpha_numeric The field under validation may have alpha-numeric characters
array The field under validation must be an array
before:date The field under validation must be a value before a given date
before_or_equal:date The field under validation must be a value before or equal a given date
boolean The field under validation must be able to be cast as a boolean
date The field under validation must be a valid javascript date
date_format:string The field under validation must match the given format
different:value The field under validation must not match the given value
email The field under validation must be formatted as an email address
ends_with:string The field under validation must end with the given value
is_in:value The field under validation must be included in the given value. Accepted values are comma seperated string or array
integer The field under validation must be an integer
json The field under validation must be a valid JSON object
leap_year The field under validation must be a leap year date
max:value The field under validation must be less than or equal to a maximum value. Accepted values are string, numerics and array
matches_regex:pattern The field under validation must not match the given regular expression
multiple_of:number The field under validation must a be multiple of the given number
min:value The field under validation must be greater than or equal to a minimum value. Accepted values are string, numerics and array
not_in:value The field under validation must not be included in the given value. Accepted values are comma seperated string or array
numberic The field under validation must be a numeric (integer or decimal)
required The field under validation must be present in the input data and not empty
same:value The field under validation must match the given value
size:value The field under validation must have a length matching the given value. Accepted value are string and array
sometimes The field will only ve validated if present
starts_with:string The field under validation must end with the given value
string The field under validation must be a string
today The field under validation must be a date equal to today
tomorrow The field under validation must be a date equal to tomorrow
url The field under validation must be a valid url
uuid The field under validation must be a valid RFC 4122 (version 1, 3, 4, or 5) universally unique identifier (UUID)
yesterday The field under validation must be a date equal to yesterday

Frameworks wrapper


A minimal model-based javascript validation library



