- 🧑💻 Minimal model-based javascript validation library
- 🧱 Can be used with any javascript framework
- 💚 Offers 30+ built-in validation rules
- 🚸 Easy to use api, inspired from the Laravel validation syntax
- 🧪 High test coverage
npm install @elieandraos/clockwork --save
import Clockwork from '@elieandraos/clockwork'
const validator = new Clockwork()
Clockwork validates a given data object against a given rules object
// define the data and rules objects
name: '',
email: ''
name: 'required',
email: 'required'
if ( validator.passes() ) {
// ... do something when input data are valid
// alternately, you could do the inverse
if (validator.fails() ) {
// ... do something when input data are not valid
- "dot annotations" for nested object properties validation
- multiple rules are separated with a pipe
- rules that accept an additional paramter are suffixed with a semi column followed by the parameter
- rule paramter can be static or from the data object itself
person: {
name: null,
age: null,
email: null
domain: 'leadwithprimitive.com'
'person.name': 'required | alpha',
'person.age': 'required | integer | min:18',
'person.email': 'required | email | ends_with:domain' // here domain will be evaluated as 'leadwithprimitive.com'
Clockwork provides 4 helper methods to access any validation error:
.setData({ name: null, age: 10 })
.setRules({ name: 'required', age: 'min:12' })
if(validator.fails()) {
validator.hasErrors() // checks if there is any error
validator.hasErrors('name') // checks if there is any error for the 'name' field
validator.getErrors() // returns all the error messages
validator.getErrors('name') // returns all the error messages of the 'name' field
validator.getFirstError() // returns the first error message found
validator.getFirstError('name') // returns the first error message found of the 'name' field
validator.getErrorBag() // returns the error bag object as it is
Custom error message can be defined with setCustomErrorMesssages()
method. This method accepts an object of key/value pairs:
- The key is the data property concatenated with the rule name
- The value is the custom message
.setData({ name: null })
.setRules({ name: 'required' })
.setCustomErrorMessages({ 'name.required' : 'You must enter your name' })
For rules with parameters, add {param}
to into the error message and it will be parsed.
.setData({ age: null })
.setRules({ age: 'min:18' })
.setCustomErrorMessages({ 'age.min' : 'You must be at least {param} years old' }) // returns: You must be at least 18 years old
Custom rules can be created with the extend()
method. This method accepts three parameters:
- The first, is the name of the rule name
- The second, is the closure (should return a boolean) that should be executed when calling the rule
- The third (optional), is the rule's error message (default: 'Invalid')
.setData({ age: null })
.setRules({ age: 'greater_than:18' })
.extend( 'greated_than', (value, arg) => {
return value > arg
}, 'Age must be greater than {param}')
Rules | Description |
after:date | The field under validation must be a value after a given date |
after_or_equal:date | The field under validation must be a value after or equal a given date |
alpha | The field under validation must be entirely alphabetic characters |
alpha_dash | The field under validation may have alpha characters, as well as dashes and underscores |
alpha_numeric | The field under validation may have alpha-numeric characters |
array | The field under validation must be an array |
before:date | The field under validation must be a value before a given date |
before_or_equal:date | The field under validation must be a value before or equal a given date |
boolean | The field under validation must be able to be cast as a boolean |
date | The field under validation must be a valid javascript date |
date_format:string | The field under validation must match the given format |
different:value | The field under validation must not match the given value |
The field under validation must be formatted as an email address | |
ends_with:string | The field under validation must end with the given value |
is_in:value | The field under validation must be included in the given value. Accepted values are comma seperated string or array |
integer | The field under validation must be an integer |
json | The field under validation must be a valid JSON object |
leap_year | The field under validation must be a leap year date |
max:value | The field under validation must be less than or equal to a maximum value. Accepted values are string, numerics and array |
matches_regex:pattern | The field under validation must not match the given regular expression |
multiple_of:number | The field under validation must a be multiple of the given number |
min:value | The field under validation must be greater than or equal to a minimum value. Accepted values are string, numerics and array |
not_in:value | The field under validation must not be included in the given value. Accepted values are comma seperated string or array |
numberic | The field under validation must be a numeric (integer or decimal) |
required | The field under validation must be present in the input data and not empty |
same:value | The field under validation must match the given value |
size:value | The field under validation must have a length matching the given value. Accepted value are string and array |
sometimes | The field will only ve validated if present |
starts_with:string | The field under validation must end with the given value |
string | The field under validation must be a string |
today | The field under validation must be a date equal to today |
tomorrow | The field under validation must be a date equal to tomorrow |
url | The field under validation must be a valid url |
uuid | The field under validation must be a valid RFC 4122 (version 1, 3, 4, or 5) universally unique identifier (UUID) |
yesterday | The field under validation must be a date equal to yesterday |
- Vue: clockwork-vue https://github.com/elieandraos/clockwork-vue