Simple 2D/3D graphics engine for Linux (amd64, arm64), MorphOs (ppc), AmigaOs (68k) and macOS (amd64, arm64) written in C99.
Currently macOS support is not yet ready (but this will come in near future).
This library is for private learning purposes only, but there might be some interesting stuff inside.
There are two interesting examples which are using this graphics engine.
A simple voxelspace renderer (do you remember Comanche?):
A simple sprite renderer with alpha, scaling and rotation:
Converts an existing palette to pgm. Usage:
convert_palette_to_pgm: <palette> <pgm>
To set up a cross-compiler for Linux host you can use this script from here: MorphOs Cross SDK script
Afterwards you should have a MorphOs cross-compiler and the SDK in path /gg installed.
You can now cross compile for MorphOs with CMake:
mkdir build-mos
cd build-mos
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/morphos-pcc.toolchain -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -CCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/exdevgfx-mos ../
cmake --build . --target install --paralllel 4
For native builds please use the Makefile!
To set up a cross-compiler for Linux host you can use bebbo's gcc compiler: AmigaOs Cross SDK Git
Afterwards you should have a AmigaOs cross-compiler and the SDK in path /opt/amiga installed.
You can now cross compile for AmigaOs with CMake:
mkdir build-amiga
cd build-amiga
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/amiga-gcc.toolchain -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -CCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/tmp/exdevgfx-amiga ../
cmake --build . --target install --paralllel 4
For native builds please use the Makefile!