Immutable configuration system loader & parser for PHP >= 8.1 that supports multiple file formats and has some templating features. This library is an alternative to '.env' type configuration libraries and uses the Strategy Pattern.
4.0.0 (2020-11-24): Updating to more >= 8.1.0 compatible.
- Multi-file configuration loading, no more monolithic configurations!
- Self referencing placeholders.
- Recursive self referencing placeholders.
- Environment variable placeholders.
a little too much...) - Can use INI, JSON, YAML and Array files.
- Immutability, since you shouldn't change your configuration during run time.
- Can inject values, to make things really dynamic.
composer require geeklab/conf
// Where the configurations are.
$configurationDirectory = __DIR__ . '/config/';
// Load Configuration system with the JSON Configuration Driver
$configuration = new GLConf(
new JSONConfDriver(
$configurationDirectory . 'system.json', // Path and file name of main (top level) configuration.
$configurationDirectory // Path to the other configuration files.
['mySecretKey' => md5(rand())], // Value injections.
['keys_to_lower'] // Options:
// Options to change the case of the key if returning a keyed array:
// keys_upper_case, keys_lower_case, keys_same_case
// Get the whole configuration.
// Get one item.
PSR Compliance:
- PSR-1
- PSR-2
- PSR-4
- PSR-12
- More Documentation.
- Include .env?