The purpose of this database is to compile existing atmospheric cluster structures and thermochemical data under one common methodology.
Please cite:
- J. Elm, ACS Omega, 2019, 4, 10965-10974
- J. Kubecka, ACS Omega 2023, 8, 45115-45128
- and the associated original literature if any of the structures or thermochemical properties from the database are used in your published research.
README content:
- How to download only a specific file!
- Subfolders (i.e. methods that were used to obtain the clusters)
- Type of files (i.e. what is saved in each file)
- Using the pickles files (i.e. how to utilize JKQC or manipulate with databases)
If you want to download just one file, e.g.:
then use wget (note: svn is not supported anymore) but you must modify "github" -> "raw.githubusercontent" and remove "blob/"
- This folder contains over 37 articles and molecular clusters/data provided from them.
- The newest folders contain metadata described in greater detail.
- The old articles sometimes lack proper description.
- Full database contains 1116728 entries.
This folder contains SP energies calculated level of theory specified by each subfolder
See the levels.txt file for more details on program version and method input.
- contains 28270 entries
- contains 108 different cluster types
- contains 5096 entries
- contains 1509 different cluster types
- contains 1073 entries
- contains 292 different cluster types
- contains 68695 entries
- contains 1045 different cluster types
- contains 40135 entries
- contains 1210 different cluster types
- contains 325137 entries
- contains 382 different cluster types
- contains 11350 entries
- contains 50 different cluster types
- contains 276538 entries
- contains 382 different cluster types
This folder contains free energy properties for SP_electronic_energy//geom._optim.+TMD
Some monomers are missing, hence not all binding properties are provided
For all wB97X-D TMD, we use anharmonicity (-v 0.996) and low-vibrational (-fc 100) treatement
- contains 2233 entries
- contains 34 different cluster types
- contains 17079 entries
- contains 91 different cluster types
- contains 1957 entries
- contains 782 different cluster types
- contains 3309 entries
- contains 988 different cluster types
- contains 118 entries
- contains 107 different cluster types
- contains 835 entries
- contains 228 different cluster types
- contains 44482 entries
- contains 882 different cluster types
- contains 60255 entries
- contains 1282 different cluster types
- contains 65001 entries
- contains 91 different cluster types
- contains 24874 entries
- contains 91 different cluster types
- databases:
- database.pkl
- all data collected from the given folder
- database is often split into database_s.pkl files with maximum 10000 entries per file
- database1DFT.pkl
- 1 lowest (DFT[geometry+TMD]) Gibbs free energy structure per cluster from database.pkl
- database1DLPNO.pkl
- 1 lowest (DLPNO[SP corr]//DFT[geometry+TMD]) Gibbs free energy structure from database.pkl
- database.pkl
- structures:
- structures1DFT.xyzs and structures1DLPNO.xyzs
- structures from database1DFT.pkl and structures1DLPNO.pkl, respectively
- structures1DFT.xyzs and structures1DLPNO.xyzs
- properties:
- properties1DFT.txt and properties1DLPNO.txt
- properties from database1DFT.pkl and structures1DLPNO.pkl, respectively
- QHA and anharmonicity corrections applied
- these are in the following format: structure_name | dG(298.15K) | dH(298.15K) | dS(298.15K)
- properties1DFT.txt and properties1DLPNO.txt
- binding properties:
- located only in the most outside folder
- binding_properties3DFT.txt and binding_properties1DLPNO.txt
- 1 lowest (DFT or DLPNO//DFT) Gibbs free energies of formation from database3DFT.pkl and database1DLPNO.pkl, respectively
In order to use any database, you can:
- use JKQC (see or see below
- use your own python script (see below)
First, donwload JKCS:
cd <App_dir>
git clone
- Then, setup JKCS and python environment for JKQC with correct python (see the online manual):
sh -help
sh -python python3.9 -module "module load python3.9" -r
- It will add one line to your ~/.bashrc file, therefore source it
source ~/.bashrc
- Now you should be able to use JKQC, e.g.:
JKQC -help
(see other functionalities:
Theoretically, you can use only your own python but I really recommend to setup your python environment via JKCS (step 1-3 above). Then run:
After activating the correct python environment, use python to analyse/use the data:
$USER/: python
import pandas as pd
clusters_dataframe = pd.read_pickle("DATABASE.PKL")
- w=water
Positive charges:
- 1p=proton (+)
- 1am1p=ammonium cat (+)
- 1dma1p=dimethylammonium cat. (+)
- 1gly1p=glycinium cat. (+)
- 1gd1p=guanidium cat. (+)
- am=ammonia
- bda=butane-1,4-diamine
- buta=butamine
- dbma=dibuthylmethylamine
- dea=diethylmine
- dma=dimethylamine
- dmea=dimethylethylamine
- dpenta=dipentamine
- dpropa=dipropamine
- eda=ethylendiamine
- gd=guanidine
- dhexa=dihexamine
- ibuta=isobutylamine
- ipropa=iso-propylamine
- ipropea=iso-propylethylamine
- ma=methylamine
- mda=methylethylendiamine
- mea=monoethylamine
- nona=nonamine
- pda=propan-1,3-diamine
- propa=propamine
- put=putrescine
- pz=piperazine
- sbuta=sec-butamine
- tbuta=tributylamine
- tibuta=triisobutylamine
- tea=triethylamine
- tma=trimethylamine
- tpropa=tripropamine
- diAAmda=N,N-dimethylethylendiamine
- diABmda=N,N-dimethylethylendiamine
- triAABmda=trimethylethylendiamine
- teAABBmda=tetramethylethylendiamine
- IIebuta=2-ethylbutylamine
Anorganic acids:
- sa=sulfuric acid
- b=bisulphate (-)
- pha=phosforic acid
- msa=methanesulfonic acid
- mb=methanebisulfate (-)
- hcl=hydrogenchloride
- cl=chloride (-)
- cla=chloric acid
- pcla=perchloric acid
- nta=nitric acid
- it=iodine tatraoxide
- ip=iodine pentoxide
- ica=iodic acid
- isa=iodous acid
- gly=glycine
- glyt=glycinate an. (-)
- homF=C6H8O7
- homJ=C10H16O8
- fd=folrmaldehyde
- ml=methanol
- pxml=methanolperoxide/methyl hydroperoxide
- mf=methyl formate
- etox=ethylene oxide
- acal=acetaldehyde
- acan=acetic anhydride
- dme=dimethylether
- acon=acetone
Organic acids:
- aca=acetic acid
- acc=acetic an. (-)
- bza=benzoic acid
- bzc=benzoic an. (-)
- ca=caric acid
- cc=caric an. (-)
- fa=formic acid
- fc=formic an. (-)
- hgta=3-hydroxy-glutaric acid
- maa=maleic acid
- mbtca=3-methyl-1,2,3-butanetricarboxylic acid
- mbtcc=3-methyl-1,2,3-butanetricarboxylic an. (-)
- mca=malic acid
- moa=malonic acid
- oa=oxalic acid
- oc=oxalic an. (-)
- pa=pinic acid
- paca=phenylacetic acid
- pc=pinic an. (-)
- pta=phtalic acid
- pua=pyruvic acid
- pxfa=peroxyformic acid
- pxaca=peroxyacetic acid
- sua=succinic acid
- suc=succinic an. (-)
- tba=terebic acid
- tbc=terebic an. (-)
- tpa=terpenylic acid
- tpc=terpenylic an. (-)
- tta=tartaric acid
- ttc=tartaric an. (-)