Emulation of a use case where a POST command is sent to a REST end point to return data.
POST commands coming in to the system will include a "role" token which has been authenticated upstream of this code.
Example: curl -H "role: worker" -k '*%20from%20observation'
- Run the module executable: in helm directory:
helm install filtermodule filtermodule_chart
Restricting data occurs in two ways:
- Restricting access to URL endpoints based on role. For example, a URL that returns video data will be accessed controlled. This is handled by routing rules which get created in conjunction with the Policy Manager. See k8s/vs1FilterBlock.yaml for an example.
- Redact data returned from the data source based on Policy Manager rules. This is handled by the REST data module. (See python/filter_id_OPA.py)
To set up:
- Open up ports on the ingress gateway: kubectl apply -f gateway.yaml
- Apply virtualservice rule-base routing: (TBD - automatically deployed by blueprint) kubectl apply -f vsRedirect.yaml
- Define Asset CRD and then Apply OPA policies (in katalog-system namespace) (TBD - automatically deployed by blueprint)
kubectl apply -f katalog.m4d.ibm.com_assets.yaml
kubectl apply -f policy.yaml -n katalog-system - Apply OPA assets (TBD - automatically deployed by blueprint) kubectl apply -f asset.yaml
- Apply application code (backend data server) kubectl apply -f rest_m4dapp.yaml (should deploy chart for querygateway component)
- Apply REST data module (TBD - automatically deployed by blueprint on m4d app invocation) (helm package and then install filteridchart_opa)
- Expose OPA deployment as a service: kubectl expose deployment/opa -n katalog-system
Example queries to the the application querygateway and responses:
- PII information gets redacted % curl -H "role: worker" -k '*%20from%20observation' "{'id':'XXX', 'Fname': 'Peter', 'Lname':'XXX', 'Age': '22'}{'id':'XXX', 'Fname': 'Clark', 'Lname':'XXX', 'Age': '41'}"
- "boss" role can see all information curl -H "role: boss" -k '*%20from%20observation' [{"id": "007", "Fname": "Peter", "Lname": "Parker", "Age": "22"}, {"id": "123", "Fname": "Clark", "Lname": "Kent", "Age": "41"}]
- Role blocked from accessing endpoint curl -H "role: badguy" -k '*%20from%20observation' {"action":"Deny","name":"Denied by default"}
- All information blocked for a give role curl -H "role: moose" -k '*%20from%20observation' {"action":"Deny","name":"Denied by default"}
To build the (Spark-enabled) Docker image and push to the repo:
from the python directory:
- make docker-build
- make docker-push
To build a non-Spark enabled version: In the python directory:
- In the Makefile, change the DOCKER_IMG_NAME from filtermodule-spark to filtermodule
- In the Dockerfile, change ENV USE_SPARK="true" to "false"
To package and push a chart:
from the charts directory:
- helm package filteridchart_opa -d /tmp
- helm push /tmp/filteridchart_opa-0.1.0.tgz oci://ghcr.io/elsalant