Open Sourcing Mental Illness (OSMI) is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to raising awareness, educating, and providing resources to support mental wellness in the tech and open-source communities. Each year, OSMI conducts its Mental Health in Tech survey, aimed at measuring attitudes toward mental health in the tech workplace and examining the frequency of mental health disorders among tech workers.
We chose to analyze the OSMI Mental Health in Tech survey from 2014,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020 (full data sets available on the OSMI website) as the survey questions and number of respondents changed from year to year, and these surveys had thegreatest number of respondents overall (1467 participants).
The key research area of this project is to understand the provisions at tech workplaces to address mental health issues in employees:
- What are the provisions at tech workplaces to address mental health issues in employees?
- Do employees feel that the tech industry supports mental health and wellbeing?
- How many respondents have experienced mental health problems or are currently being diagnosed?
- Are employers providing healthcare benefits for mental health issues?
- Are employees aware of their healthcare benefits and resources?
- How do employers weigh mental health issues at the same level as to other medical issues?
- Are there any leave policies for those suffering from mental health issues?
- How do the tech industries respond to the issue of mental health and how do they deal with it?
- Prediction on whether the person should go for the treatment or not?