This package is Emacs interface to Phpactor.
NOTICE: This package is in development. Since some functions are running, this is released as an alpha version.
NOTICE: Phpactor is also in development stage.
Phpactor is a language server that supports the LSP Protocol and its own RPC protocol. This package only implements Phpactor’s own RPC protocol.
They won’t be removed immediately, but the LSP provides a comprehensive better user experience. This package will continue to be maintained and we will follow any changes to the RPC protocol.
Please read LSP Support · emacs-php/php-mode Wiki for LSP clients in PHP.
Requirement: You need to have composer globally installed.
(use-package phpactor :ensure t)
(use-package company-phpactor :ensure t)
(here using straight.el with use-package)
(use-package phpactor
:straight (phpactor
:host github
:type git
:repo "emacs-php/phpactor.el"
:branch "master"
:files ("*.el" "composer.json" "composer.lock" (:exclude "*test.el"))
After having installed this package, run `phpactor-install-or-update` (this will install a supported version of phpactor inside `.emacs.d/phpactor`).
NOTICE: To ensure the supported version of Phpactor is installed, you might need to run this command again after an upgrade of this package.
Alternatively, you can install Phpactor on your own and customize `phpactor-executable` but please be aware that any change in Phpactor’s rpc protocol can introduce breakages.
(use-package php-mode
:hook ((php-mode . (lambda () (set (make-local-variable 'company-backends)
'(;; list of backends
(add-hook 'php-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(make-local-variable 'eldoc-documentation-function)
(setq eldoc-documentation-function
using Smart-jump
(with-eval-after-load 'php-mode
(with-eval-after-load 'php-mode
(define-key php-mode-map (kbd "M-.") #'phpactor-goto-definition)
(define-key php-mode-map (kbd "M-?") #'phpactor-find-references))
Phpactor.el doesn’t bring any keybindings and it’s up to you to configure them as you wish.
You could for example limit yourself to only one by using transient.el like this
(define-transient-command php-transient-menu ()
("cc" "Copy" phpactor-copy-class)
("cn" "New" phpactor-create-new-class)
("cr" "Move" phpactor-move-class)
("ci" "Inflect" phpactor-inflect-class)
("n" "Namespace" phpactor-fix-namespace)]
("a" "Accessor" phpactor-generate-accessors)
("pc" "Constructor" phpactor-complete-constructor)
("pm" "Add missing props" phpactor-complete-properties)
("r" "Rename var locally" phpactor-rename-variable-local)
("R" "Rename var in file" phpactor-rename-variable-file)]
("ec" "constant" phpactor-extract-constant)
("ee" "expression" phpactor-extract-expression)
("em" "method" phpactor-extract-method)]
("i" "Implement Contracts" phpactor-implement-contracts)
("m" "Generate method" phpactor-generate-method)]
("x" "List refs" phpactor-list-references)
("X" "Replace refs" phpactor-replace-references)
("." "Goto def" phpactor-goto-definition)]
("s" "Status" phpactor-status)
("u" "Install" phpactor-install-or-update)]])
You can run “phpactor-status“ while visiting a project file.
If needed, configure the way the project root is detected via .dir-locals.el
“Phpactor Output” buffer might also contain useful informations.
We will assume your emacs configuration is stored under “~/.emacs.d/”
After running phpactor-install-or-update
, Phpactor should be installed under “~/.emacs.d/phpactor/”.
And the phpactor executable should be “~/.emacs.d/phpactor/vendor/bin/phpactor”
Phpactor’s packages are cloned (using git) under “~/.emacs.d/phpactor/vendor/phpactor”. If you make a modification to phpactor you’d like to contribute, you can just of git straight away to open a pull request therefrom.