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Boar Tasks for server side

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This repository contains Gulp-based tasks to make server-side applications easier. It can be used with any server side framework.

These tasks are helpers, you have to define your build tasks in your project's gulpfile.js. You can find examples in our existing services or workshop material.

Usually we create a tasks.config.js file which is for override the default task settings.

Sample config file

// tasks.config.js

module.exports = {
  server: {
    environmentVariables: {
      DEBUG: 'suite-sdk,suiterequest',
      PORT: 9100,
      BASE_URL: 'http://localhost:9100',
      NODE_ENV: 'development'

Sample gulpfile

// gulpfile.js

let gulp = require('gulp');
let runSequence = require('run-sequence');
let config = require('./tasks.config');
let tasks = require('boar-tasks-server').getTasks(gulp, config);

gulp.task('start', function(cb) {
  runSequence(['server', 'server-watch'], cb);

gulp.task('test', tasks.server.test);

gulp.task('server', tasks.server.start);
gulp.task('server-jshint', function() { return tasks.server.jshint(); });
gulp.task('server-watch', function() { });

Available tasks

Server tasks


Run a server with Nodemon for development purposes. It automatically restarts the server if any file changed and notifies the developer about it.

Default configuration

const path = require('path');
const appRootPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'server', 'processes', 'web');

Config.server = {
  path: 'server/',
  runnable: path.join(appRootPath, 'index.js'),
  filePattern: ['server/**/!(*.spec).{pug,js}', 'package.json'],
  watchPattern: 'server/**/*.js',
  environmentVariables: {
    NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development',
    APP_ROOT_PATH: appRootPath,
    IP: process.env.IP || undefined,
    PORT: process.env.PORT || 9100,
    BASE_URL: process.env.BASE_URL || 'http://localhost:9100'


gulp.task('server', tasks.server.start);


If you'd like to run your server in Docker and restart on file changes you have to set the NODEMON_LEGACY_WATCH environment variable to true. It forces Nodemon to use legacy change detection mode which is the only way to support Docker.


Run all the tests found (all *.spec.js files) in the codebase.

Default configuration

Config.server = {
  path: 'server/',
  test: {
    requires: ['co-mocha'],
    flags: ['reporter dot', 'colors'],
    environmentVariables: {
      NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'test',
      APP_ROOT_PATH: process.cwd() + '/server/'


gulp.task('test', tasks.server.test);

Run command with server environment variables

Run the specified command by spawning a child process. It sets the server environment variables from the configuration also for the child process.

Default configuration

Config.server = {
  environmentVariables: {
    PORT: process.env.PORT || 9100,
    BASE_URL: process.env.BASE_URL || 'http://localhost:9100'


// Creating task for a job-runner
gulp.task('job-runner', function (cb) { return tasks.server.runCommand('server/processes/job-runner', cb) });

Run command with test environment variables

Run the specified command by spawning a child process. It sets the test environment variables from the configuration also for the child process.

Default configuration

Config.server = {
  test: {
    environmentVariables: {
      NODE_ENV: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'test',
      APP_ROOT_PATH: process.cwd() + '/server/processes/web/'


// Creating task for a job-runner
gulp.task('job-runner', function (cb) { return tasks.server.runTestCommand('server/processes/job-runner', cb) });

Run command with custom environment variables

Run the specified command by spawning a child process. It sets the given environment variables also for the child process.


// Creating task for a job-runner
gulp.task('job-runner', function (cb) { return tasks.server.runEnvironmentCommand('server/processes/job-runner', { NODE_ENV: 'integration' }, cb) });

Code style

Check code style using ESLint on the selected JavaScript files.

Default configuration

Config.server = {
  codeStylePattern: 'server/**/*.js'


gulp.task('server-codestyle', tasks.server.codeStyle);

Template code style

Check code style on the selected template files using pug-lint.

Default configuration

Config.server = {
  app: {
    templateCodeStylePattern: 'server/app/**/*.pug'

Code style rules

Install pug-lint-config-emarsys to your project and create a file in your project's root called .pug-lintrc with the following content:

  "extends": "emarsys"


gulp.task('server-template-code-style', tasks.server.templateCodeStyle);


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