Java/Scala drivers to Second Order Cone Programming (ECOS) Solver and integration with Spark Distributed Matrix Factorization
All contributions by Debasish Das copyright © 2017 Verizon, and are licensed under Apache. See LICENSE for more details. ecos-java-scala project uses ecos as a submodule which is licensed under GNU GPL V3. See for more details on ECOS licensing.
What's available in the project
- MacOSX and Linux JNI libraries for ECOS.
- amd and ldl JNI libraries are licensed under LGPL honoring original Tim Davis's license
- Java/Scala packages are licensed under Apache
- Java driver for ECOS SocpSolver is com.github.ecos.RunECOS
- Scala driver for Quadratic Programming Solver is com.github.ecos.optim.QpSolver
Build instructions:
The published jar provides jnilib for MacOSX and Linux. For other OS change the Makefile to generate jnilib for respective OS. make generates the OS specific jnilib. ant javah uses build.xml to generate the JNI header. Based on the JNI header the native binding needs to be implemented. ant flow is useful for exposing additional functionalities from amd, ldl and in general csparse.
mvn install generates the code jar.
mvn assembly:single generates the dependency jar.
SOCP Example (Java):
The data for SOCP program is available from ecos/include/data.h
java -cp ./target/ecos-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:./target/ecos-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-job.jar com.github.ecos.RunECOS
ECOS version2.0.2
ECOS 2.0.2 - (C) embotech GmbH, Zurich Switzerland, 2012-15. Web:
It pcost dcost gap pres dres k/t mu step sigma IR | BT
0 +5.230e-01 +5.230e-01 +4e+02 9e-01 4e-01 1e+00 2e+00 --- --- 1 1 - | - -
1 +1.527e+00 +2.220e+00 +1e+02 1e-01 8e-02 9e-01 6e-01 0.8028 1e-01 1 1 2 | 0 0
2 +5.637e-01 +8.452e-01 +6e+01 4e-02 4e-02 4e-01 3e-01 0.7541 3e-01 2 2 2 | 0 0
3 +5.296e-01 +7.411e-01 +5e+01 4e-02 4e-02 3e-01 2e-01 0.3012 4e-01 2 2 2 | 0 0
4 +1.551e-01 +1.644e-01 +4e+00 3e-03 3e-03 2e-02 2e-02 0.9490 4e-02 2 2 2 | 0 0
5 +1.458e-01 +1.490e-01 +2e+00 2e-03 1e-03 6e-03 1e-02 0.6057 3e-01 2 2 1 | 0 0
6 +1.707e-01 +1.714e-01 +8e-01 5e-04 4e-04 2e-03 4e-03 0.7514 1e-01 2 1 1 | 0 0
7 +1.894e-01 +1.894e-01 +2e-01 1e-04 1e-04 3e-04 9e-04 0.9859 2e-01 2 1 2 | 0 0
8 +1.926e-01 +1.926e-01 +4e-03 2e-06 2e-06 5e-06 2e-05 0.9827 1e-03 2 1 1 | 0 0
9 +1.927e-01 +1.927e-01 +6e-05 4e-08 3e-08 8e-08 3e-07 0.9835 1e-04 2 1 1 | 0 0
10 +1.927e-01 +1.927e-01 +4e-06 2e-09 2e-09 5e-09 2e-08 0.9392 1e-03 2 1 1 | 0 0
11 +1.927e-01 +1.927e-01 +6e-08 4e-11 3e-11 8e-11 3e-10 0.9890 6e-03 2 1 1 | 0 0
12 +1.927e-01 +1.927e-01 +1e-09 7e-13 6e-13 1e-12 6e-12 0.9815 1e-04 2 1 1 | 0 0
OPTIMAL (within feastol=7.3e-13, reltol=5.9e-09, abstol=1.1e-09). Runtime: 0.001540 seconds.
Quadratic Programming Examples (Scala):
java -cp ./target/ecos-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar:./target/ecos-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-job.jar com.github.ecos.optim.QpSolver 100
Generate Qp with L1 constraint (Breeze OWLQN testcase)
ECOS 2.0.2 - (C) embotech GmbH, Zurich Switzerland, 2012-15. Web:
It pcost dcost gap pres dres k/t mu step sigma IR | BT
0 +7.000e-08 -2.301e-01 +9e+01 8e-01 7e-01 1e+00 4e+00 --- --- 1 1 - | - -
1 -1.165e+02 -2.409e+01 +1e+01 5e+00 3e+01 1e+02 5e-01 0.9176 4e-02 2 2 2 | 0 0
2 -1.000e+02 -3.544e+01 +2e+00 1e+00 6e+00 7e+01 8e-02 0.8371 3e-03 2 2 2 | 0 0
3 -6.998e+01 -7.022e+01 +2e+00 2e-01 1e-01 8e-02 8e-02 0.2736 7e-01 2 2 2 | 0 0
4 -7.046e+01 -7.026e+01 +2e-01 2e-02 5e-03 2e-01 1e-02 0.8819 3e-02 3 2 2 | 0 0
5 -6.251e+01 -6.248e+01 +9e-03 6e-04 2e-04 3e-02 4e-04 0.9890 3e-02 3 2 2 | 0 0
6 -6.250e+01 -6.250e+01 +1e-04 7e-06 2e-06 3e-04 5e-06 0.9890 1e-04 3 1 1 | 0 0
7 -6.250e+01 -6.250e+01 +1e-06 8e-08 2e-08 3e-06 5e-08 0.9890 1e-04 1 1 1 | 0 0
8 -6.250e+01 -6.250e+01 +1e-08 9e-10 2e-10 4e-08 6e-10 0.9885 1e-04 1 1 1 | 0 0
OPTIMAL (within feastol=9.0e-10, reltol=2.1e-10, abstol=1.3e-08). Runtime: 0.000610 seconds.
Supported features
- Unconstrained quadratic minimization
- Quadratic program with bound constraints
- Quadratic program with L1 constraints
- Quadratic program with equality constraints
Distributed Matrix Factorization is reformulated as a bi-convex optimization using alternating minimization and the least square formulation is solved using a quadratic program powered by ECOS through com.github.ecos.QpSolver
mvn test -DwildcardSuites=com.github.ecos.factorization.ALSSuite runs the ALS tests.
Unit tests are added for non-negativity constraints to support intepretable dimensionality reduction and topic modeling use-cases.
ALS.setQpProblem(problem: Int) sets up specific constraints on least square objective
- problem=1 Least square solution
- problem=2 Least square solution with positive factors
- problem=3 Least square solution with bounds
- problem=4 Least square solution with probability simplex
- problem=5 Least square solution with L1 constraint
The following people have been, and are, involved in the development of ecos-java-scala:
- Debasish Das
- Stephen Boyd
- Alexander Domahidi
The main technical idea behind ECOS is described in a short paper. More details are given in Alexander Domahidi's PhD Thesis in Chapter 9.
Integration of ecos-java-scala with Spark was demonstrated at Spark Summit 2014