This GitHub project is a work-in-progress for FTC documentation.
- GitHub Account
- Git Installed on Local Machine (for local method)
Create fork of FtcDocs Project as shown here keeping the name of the repo the same
Clone fork of project replacing
with your usernamegit clone<NAME>/ftcdocs.git
Install Python from here
Install Pip following these instructions
Change directory to root project and install dependencies
cd ftcdocs
pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
Make desired changes to project. Remember to follow style guide shown here
Install dependencies for PDF
- Ubuntu/Debian:
xargs -a dependencies sudo apt install -y
- Windows: Install MiKTeX from here
- Ubuntu/Debian:
Build project by executing following commands in
folder of project- HTML:
make html
- Autobuild HTML:
make autobuild
- PDF:
make latexpdf
- Link:
make linkcheck
View Result (html)
- Open
in a browser of your choice - To create local http server execute
python3 -m http.server 7350
and view result here. If you are using the Autobuild option this server will be automatically created and updated with most changes to rst files. Some changes will not be transferred like images and will require amake clean
- Open
Commit changes and push after desired result has been achieved
git commit -a -m <MESSAGE>
replace with your commit messagegit push
Create a Pull Request to upstream repository. Make sure to be concise in your PR title and description.
- Create fork of FtcDocs Project as shown here
- Ideally you should follow a feature based branch system. This means that you should create a new branch every time you are thinking of adding a new feature. This will insure that the main branch stays identical to upstream.
- Click the drop down menu that says the branch you are currently working on (default is main) towards the top but slightly to the left
- Type in what you wish to name your branch. It should be short and concise while also being able to convey to others what feature this branch has
- Next click
Create branch: [name of branch] from ‘main’
- Although you can view changes made in the Github preview this can be incorrect and is often incomplete. To give an accurate view of what your changes look like you will want to make your own Read The Docs site to preview your changes. To do this follow the instructions given here forgoing the "Preparing your project on GitHub" and not going beyond "Checking the first build". Name your site
- To change the branch that RTD builds on do the following
- Make desired changes to forked project via Github Web Editor. This is as simple as clicking edit icon after viewing any given file. Remember to follow style guide shown here
- View Changes on created RTD site by visiting
after replacing<USERNAME>
with your username