Yonder consumes three APIs: MTB Project, APIXU Weather, & Yelp to make trail and gear shop recommendations based on user location search. All recommendations are plotted on a map and users can send invitation alerts via SMS using Twilio. This was a solo project that I managed over 2 weeks, from wireframes through deployment.
Production App: https://yonder-go.herokuapp.com
Ruby Version: 2.4.1
Rails Version: 5.1.5
git clone git@github.com:emmiehayes/yonder.git
cd yonder
bundle install
rake db:{create,migrate,seed}
rake call:trails
rake call:shops
rails s
- This project uses RSpec along with Webmock and Capybara for testing and can be run with the command
- You may need to rake db:test:prepare before running the tests.
- Mapbox
- Geocoding
- Twilio
- Google OAuth2
- Heroku
- Bulma