Domoticz Python plugin which implements support for Kamstrup Meters (district heating, and others) connected to Sonoff-Tasmota device.
- Supports multiple meters
- The plugin has been tested with a single KM402 district heating meter
- Please open PR or issue for support for other meter or meter type
- Sonoff-Tasmota device connected to Kamstrup meter using IR eye
- IR eye can be bought or DIY, e.g.
- Important: Two Domoticz instances can't be connected to the same meter, it will cause CRC errors on the received data
- This has not been debugged, unclear if it's a limitation in the Kamstrup meters or a bug
- Clone this project into Domoticz 'plugins' folder
- Restart Domoticz
- Create hardware of type "Kamstrup Meter (Sonoff-Tasmota MQTT)"
- Set MQTT IP and port
- Set the topic of the Sonoff-Tasmota device connected to your meter.
- Multiple devices are supported, separate the topics by comma
- Set "Debug" to "Verbose" for debug log
- Domoticz will now try to identify the meter type and add it to Domoticz