you can find the verified contract on and test its functionality here: verified contract on
EProp is an ERC721-based property ownership system with its token and marketplace features such as:
- Allowing the owner of the token to list and unlist the token for sale
- Allowing the owner of the token to set an address as a buyer with a cerain price
- Allowing users to make an offer for a token
- Allowing the owner of the token to put the token up for auction
- git
- You'll know you did it right if you can run
git --version
and you see a response likegit version x.x.x
- You'll know you did it right if you can run
- foundry
- You'll know you did it right if you can run
forge --version
and you see a response likeforge 0.2.0 (816e00b 2023-03-16T00:05:26.396218Z)
- You'll know you did it right if you can run
git clone
cd foundry-nft-f23
forge install
forge build
make anvil
This will default to your local node. You need to have it running in another terminal in order for it to deploy.
make deploy
- Setup environment variables
You'll want to set your SEPOLIA_RPC_URL
as environment variables. You can add them to a .env
file, similar to what you see in .env.example
: The private key of your account (like from metamask). NOTE: FOR DEVELOPMENT, PLEASE USE A KEY THAT DOESN'T HAVE ANY REAL FUNDS ASSOCIATED WITH IT.- You can learn how to export it here.
: This is url of the goerli testnet node you're working with. You can get setup with one for free from Alchemy
Optionally, add your ETHERSCAN_API_KEY
if you want to verify the contract on Etherscan.
- Get testnet ETH
Head over to and get some tesnet ETH. You should see the ETH show up in your metamask.
- Deploy
make sepoliaDeploy
forge test
forge test --fork-url $SEPOLIA_RPC_URL
After deploy to a testnet or local net, you can run the script to mint a token.
- change interaction.s.sol and put your private key in the place
function mintNftOnContract(address contractaddress) public {
address yourAddress = -------put your address here---------;
console.log("minting token for: ", yourAddress);
EProp(contractaddress).mintProp(yourAddress, 65, 45, 1, 1 , 0);
make mint
make sepoliaMint