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RAID-PIR is an efficient implementation of private information retrieval with multiple servers.

Details of the underlying protocols can be found in the paper "RAID-PIR: Practical Multi-Server PIR" published at the 6th ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop (ACM CCSW'14) by:

This code is an extension of upPIR and large parts of it were written by the upPIR maintainers. A big thanks to Justin Cappos for making the original upPIR code publicly available.

Please send code-related questions to Daniel Demmler or create an issue here on GitHub.

Warning: This code is not meant to be used for a productive environment and is intended for testing and demonstrational purposes only.


  • Python >= 3.5
  • gcc (Version 4.x or newer should be fine)
  • some sort of somewhat recent Unix (We tested everything on Manjaro Linux, but MacOS should be OK as well; Windows might work but was never tested...)

Setting up RAID-PIR Instances and Testing

1. Preparations

The following steps describe how to set up instances of an RAID-PIR vendor, mirrors, and client for testing the code locally.

Before you start, make sure you checked out the most recent version from GitHub.

1.1 Fast XOR

To have fast XOR operations, you'll need to build some C code. To do this you have to run python3 build.

If you cannot get this to work, you can edit and change import fastsimplexordatastore to import simplexordatastore as fastsimplexordatastore.

1.2 Directories

Normally each party will run on a separate machine. For testing locally on a single machine, copy and paste the files to different directories for each participant: e.g. vendor where you run the vendor from, mirror1, mirror2, ..., and client.

You can also try to link the files to the different directories for easier editing, but this is untested and may break things!

1.3 Setting up the files to be distributed

Now you can copy files over into a directory to be distributed. You can either have a separate directory for each mirror and the vendor (as you would actually have in practice) or share a directory. We'll share a directory called ../files/. Once the files to share are inside this directory you can create a manifest file. You may use the option -o eqdist to enable uniform distribution of the data entries throughout the database.

Command: python3 <DIR> <BLOCKSIZE> <VENDOR-IP> python3 -o eqdist <DIR> <BLOCKSIZE> <VENDOR-IP>


dd@deb:~/workspace/RAID-PIR/test/vendor$ ls ../files/
1.jpg  1.pdf  2.jpg  2.pdf  3.jpg

dd@deb:~/workspace/RAID-PIR/test/vendor$ python3 ../files/ 4096
RAID-PIR create manifest v0.9.5
Fileinfolist generation done.
Indexing done ...
Offset-Dict generated.
Calculating block hashes with algorithm sha256-raw ...
All blocks done.
Generated manifest.dat describing xordatastore with 326 4096 Byte blocks.

2. Starting the vendor and mirrors

At this point, We're ready to run the vendor.

Command: python3


dd@deb:~/workspace/RAID-PIR/test/vendor$ python3
RAID-PIR Vendor v0.9.5
Vendor Server started at : 62293

In other terminals, you can run mirror instances as well. Change your terminal to the mirror's directory (such as ../mirror1).

Each mirror will need to know where to locate the mirror files, what ports to use, and a copy of the manifest file.

Command: python3 --ip <MIRROR-IP> --port <MIRROR-PORT> --files <DIR> --retrievemanifestfrom <VENDOR-IP>


dd@deb:~/workspace/RAID-PIR/test/mirror1$ python3 --ip --port 62001 --files ../files/ --retrievemanifestfrom --precompute
RAID-PIR mirror v0.9.5
Mirror Server started at : 62001

We can run another mirror instance in a different terminal. You will need to change to another directory and listen on a different port when you're on a single machine.

dd@deb:~/workspace/RAID-PIR/test/mirror2$ python3 --ip --port 62002 --files ../files/ --retrievemanifestfrom --precompute
RAID-PIR mirror v0.9.5
Mirror Server started at : 62002

Repeat this for the number of mirror servers you want to start. The minimum number of mirror servers required for RAID-PIR (and any other multi-server PIR schemes) is 2.

3. Running a RAID-PIR client

Now you can retrieve files using Open a terminal in the client directory. First you need the manifest file, which tells you a list of available files and what blocks they map to. The manifest can be requested from the vendor with the same call as the file query. To retrieve the file 1.jpg, simply say where to retrieve the manifest from and then the filename to retrieve it.

Command: python3 [--retrievemanifestfrom <IP:PORT>] <FILENAME> [<FILENAME2> ...]


dd@deb:~/workspace/RAID-PIR/test/client$ python3 --retrievemanifestfrom 1.jpg
RAID-PIR Client v0.9.5
Mirrors:  [{'ip': '', 'port': 62002}, {'ip': '', 'port': 62003}, {'ip': '', 'port': 62001}]
Blocks to request: 25
wrote 1.jpg

Once you've retrieved the manifest, you can download other files without re-retrieving the manifest (assuming the files and the manifest haven't changed).

3.1 RAID-PIR Optimizations

You can activate several optimizations for the client by specifying command line arguments.

  • -r <number> activates chunks and sets the redundancy parameter
  • -R activates randomness expansion from a seed
  • -p activates parallel multi-block queries (MB)

Please see our RAID-PIR paper for a detailed explanation of how these optimizations work.

4. Restarting the Mirrors or Vendor

You should be able to use Ctrl+C to end RAID-PIR processes. Sometimes this might not work due to the multi-threading in RAID-PIR. If in doubt, check your process manager and see if you really terminated all RAID-PIR processes.

A quick-and-dirty solution to this problem is to end all python3 processes using killall python3 (Warning: This will also end all other python3 processes, not just RAID-PIR!). In case RAID-PIR still won't terminate properly, try killall -9 python3 (Warning: This will most definitely also end all other python3 processes!). If you know how to solve this more elegantly, please let me know.

You can then re-run the code and your changes will be taken into account.

5. General Remarks

All RAID-PIR files that require command line arguments can be called with the argument -h or --help to display a list of all available options with a short description.

Make sure the ports the vendor and mirror servers are listening on are actually open.

Note that if you update the files to be shared, you will need to re-build the manifest file on the vendor.