The original purpose of this script is described in my writeup for the Google Quickdraw visualizer that I created.
However, Google AI Experiments recently released another drawing tool, Autodraw. This new tool is a bit more functional than Quickdraw in that it tries to not only guess what you drew, but then offers to autocomplete your drawing by replacing it with a template of the same object. These templates or "stencils" are apparently curated by artists working with Google on these experiments.
I peaked behind the curtain of the new Autodraw tool and noticed some expected similarities to what I saw in Quickdraw.
First off, the Autodraw tool is firing off requests to the 'inputtools' API as you draw, similar to the Quickdraw tool.
The API base URL is the same as the Quickdraw tool and the query string parameters are similar with the exception of 'app=autodraw' instead of 'app=quickdraw'.
Additionally, the payload is similar in terms of structure, the primary difference being the "language":"autodraw" value. The "writing_guide" structure with the width/height of the drawing surface (or combined SVG elements?) and the "ink" array of x,y,t values is identical.
Out of curiousity, I ran the same ink array against the
API, simply swapping out the app/language fields in each request. Somewhat surprisingly, the list of "guesses" and their associated scores are slightly different between apps. The list of scores below are the results from [Quickdraw, Autodraw], where a score of 0 indicates that the respective tool did not guess that object.
{u'belt': [8.4465789999999998, 5.1131152999999996],
u'ceiling fan': [9.6525490000000005, 0],
u'clarinet': [7.2248150000000004, 5.9660586999999996],
u'diving board': [9.4369300000000003, 7.1665105999999996],
u'dog': [9.8754220000000004, 6.2046099999999997],
u'drill': [9.0572569999999999, 0],
u'duck': [0, 7.3950110000000002],
u'eyeglasses': [0, 6.7490315000000001],
u'flamingo': [0, 7.5080523000000001],
u'frying pan': [0, 7.2749844000000001],
u'garden hose': [9.2187000000000001, 5.9557359999999999],
u'giraffe': [7.5582231999999996, 5.5352297000000004],
u'hockey stick': [9.5221999999999998, 0],
u'key': [9.8502120000000009, 7.0177546],
u'saxophone': [0.12961674000000001, 0.32083224999999999],
u'shovel': [7.1525097000000004, 5.5746016999999997],
u'snake': [9.4995639999999995, 7.6192570000000002],
u'snorkel': [2.9602336999999999, 3.4037480000000002],
u'sock': [7.8140916999999996, 3.8865327999999999],
u'spoon': [8.5633545000000009, 6.3431839999999999],
u'stethoscope': [0, 6.6366605999999999],
u'swan': [2.7948647000000002, 1.7449923000000001],
u'telephone': [8.0279875000000001, 0],
u'toilet': [8.9421189999999999, 0],
u'trombone': [5.4856075999999998, 4.6257023999999998]}
Additionally, I noticed that there's a list of 'stencils' that is loaded as a JSON file on load of the Autodraw tool.
This JSON file is a list of objects that appear to be the fixed set of guesses that can result from the machine-learning backend. For each object, there's a set of asset links to the SVG images that have been curated by various artists for this tool.
For example, one of the assets for the guess of 'lion' has a URL of
To date (Apr-14-2017), the stencils.json
list only contains 371 objects, with between 1-19 assets for each object.