Ping-All is a PowerShell module to allow you to ping multiple computers with a single command, asynchronously. This is useful when checking multiple similarly-named computers (e.g. computers located in the same lab) as a quick check to see what's online and responding to ping.
This module is primarily targeted at PowerShell v7. Support for 5.1 is minimal and may be removed in the future.
- Download
to the appropriate subdirectory of your PowerShell modules directory. - If using Powershell older than v7, then also download Test-ConnectionAsync.psm1 to the appropriate subdirectory of your PowerShell modules directory.
- Test-ConnectionAsync is by David Wyatt. Use the link above to download from the original source. A copy is kept in this repo in case it becomes unavailable.
- Run it, e.g.:
Ping-All -Computers "mel-1001-*",""
Ping multiple sequentially-named FQDNs:
$lab = "ECEB-9999"
$nums = @(1..30)
$comps = $nums | ForEach-Object {
$num = ([string]$_).PadLeft(2,"0")
Ping-All $comps
Ping all computers in an OU and output results to a CSV:
$results = Ping-All -Computers "*" -OUDN "OU=EWS,OU=Instructional,OU=Desktops,OU=Engineering,OU=Urbana,DC=ad,DC=uillinois,DC=edu" -PassThru
$results | ForEach-Object {
$_.IPv4_Status = $_.IPv4_Status -join ", "
$_.IPv6_Status = $_.IPv6_Status -join ", "
$results | Export-Csv -Path "c:\engrit\logs\ping-all-test.csv" -Encoding "Ascii" -NoTypeInformation
Required string array of FQDNs, AD computer names, and/or wildcard AD computer name queries.
Any strings including *
will be treated as a wildcard query for AD computer names.
Any string not including *
will be pinged as-given.
Optional string.
Specifies a domain/subdomain to append to all AD-queried names.
AD names and FQDNs given explicitly are not appended to.
e.g. Ping-All -Computers "gelib-4c-*" -AppendDomain ""
Optional switch.
Equivalent to -AppendDomain ""
Has no effect if -AppendDomain
is specified.
Optional switch.
Equivalent to -AppendDomain ""
Has no effect if -AppendDomain
or -AppendEwsDomain
is specified.
Optional string.
If specified, AD computer name wildcard queries are limited to the given OU DistinguishedName (OUDN).
Optional integer.
The number of times to ping machines.
Machines which respond to at least one ping will be considered a success.
Default is 4
Optional integer.
The version IP protocol version to use.
Valid values are 4
and 6
Default is 4
Only supported on Powershell 7+. Earlier versions ignore this parameter, due to the use of the custom Test-ConnectionAsync
module. So behavior will be different in Powershell 5.1. I can't be bothered to account for this and make Ping-All
behave the same for both Powershell versions, as I really only care about Powershell 7 compatibility at this point. If you really want to know how Test-ConnectionAsync
will behave you can look at its code. Otherwise just use Powershell 7. From what I can tell Test-ConnectionAsync
tests both IPv4 and IPv6 (if available).
Optional integer.
Only relevant when using Powershell 7+.
The maximum number of async calls to make simultaneously.
Default is 100
Optional switch.
By default the module returns a formatted table of the results after pinging all of the computers.
When -PassThru
is specified, the raw, unformatted results are returned, and will likely be in List
A simple request to ping all computers with names starting with a certain string of characters
> Ping-All dcl-l426-*
TargetName IPv4_IP IPv4_Status IPv4_Error IPv6_IP IPv6_Status IPv6_Error
---------- ------- ----------- ---------- ------- ----------- ----------
DCL-L426-01 {Success, Success, Success, Success} None 2620:0:e00:550f:aeba:f341:6b8f:a41f {Success, Success, Success, Success} None
DCL-L426-02 {Success, Success, Success, Success} None 2620:0:e00:550f:c00a:cb8a:4330:26cf {Success, Success, Success, Success} None
DCL-L426-03 {Success, Success, Success, Success} None 2620:0:e00:550f:6ded:2681:376c:2348 {Success, Success, Success, Success} None
DCL-L426-04 {TimedOut, TimedOut, TimedOut, TimedOut} None {DestinationHostUnreachable, DestinationHostUnreachable, DestinationHostUnreachable, DestinationHostUnreachable} None
DCL-L426-05 {TimedOut, TimedOut, TimedOut, TimedOut} None {DestinationHostUnreachable, DestinationHostUnreachable, DestinationHostUnreachable, DestinationHostUnreachable} None
DCL-L426-06 {Success, Success, Success, Success} None 2620:0:e00:550f:2575:8fb:35a7:39a4 {Success, Success, Success, Success} None
DCL-L426-07 {Success, Success, Success, Success} None 2620:0:e00:550f:7a16:74cc:2cdf:7b0e {Success, Success, Success, Success} None
DCL-L426-08 {Success, Success, Success, Success} None 2620:0:e00:550f:1a85:4472:8d5d:c92a {Success, Success, Success, Success} None
DCL-L426-09 {Success, Success, Success, Success} None 2620:0:e00:550f:f9a8:6fdc:f911:9528 {Success, Success, Success, Success} None
DCL-L426-10 {Success, Success, Success, Success} None 2620:0:e00:550f:7da2:7a9d:1ba4:567d {Success, Success, Success, Success} None
DCL-L426-11 {Success, Success, Success, Success} None 2620:0:e00:550f:37cb:8c56:b742:a8aa {Success, Success, Success, Success} None
- By mseng3. See my other projects here:
- Test-ConnectionAsync by David Wyatt:
- Originally at:
- More recently found at:
- If using PowerShell versions older than 7, the computer name property of the returned object is named
. In version 7 or later is is namedTargetName
. This is just how the underlyingTest-Connection
cmdlet works in these versions.