An experimental bridge from horned-owl to python using PyO3.
To install the published library:
pip install py_horned_owl
To build locally from sources, you will need Rust, PyO3 and Maturin.
Check out this repository:
git clone
In the directory py-horned-owl, create and activate a virtual Python environment:
virtualenv py-horned-owl
source bin/activate
Then you can get maturin to build the library and install it into the virtual Python environment with:
maturin develop
The library supports loading ontologies from .owl
(RDF-XML) and .owx
(OWL-XML) files via horned-owl's parsing functionality. ROBOT can transform ontologies that are in other OWL flavours into one of these formats using robot convert
Example of simple usage:
import pyhornedowl
ontoname = "family.owx"
onto = pyhornedowl.open_ontology(ontoname)
print (f"Loaded ontology has {len(onto.get_classes())} classes.")
print (f"Loaded ontology has {len(onto.get_axioms())} axioms.")
for c in onto.get_classes():
For more information please visit the documentation.