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This project is a continuation of the iconic Wappalyzer that went private in August 2023.

First and foremost, Enthec is committed not to set this repo private at any moment since this would be out of the scope of the company's business.

Our interest is to keep it growing, so it can be helpful to the community as it has been until now.

There are no changes to be expected in the library. We will update it with the same JSON structure currently in use so the user experience will not be modified.


A long list of regular expressions is used to identify technologies on web pages. Wappalyzer inspects HTML code, as well as JavaScript variables, response headers and more.

Patterns (regular expressions) are kept in src/technologies/. The following is an example of an application fingerprint.


  "Example": {
    "description": "A short description of the technology.",
    "cats": [
    "cookies": {
      "cookie_name": "Example"
    "dom": {
      "#example-id": {
        "exists": "",
        "attributes": {
          "class": "example-class"
        "properties": {
          "example-property": ""
        "text": "Example text content"
    "dns": {
      "MX": [
    "icon": "Example.svg",
    "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:example:example:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
    "js": {
      "Example.method": ""
    "excludes": [
    "headers": {
      "X-Powered-By": "Example"
    "text": [
    "css": [
    "robots": [
      "Disallow: /unique-path/"
    "implies": [
    "requires": [
    "requiresCategory": [
    "meta": {
      "generator": "(?:Example|Another Example)"
    "probe": {
      "/path": ""
    "scriptSrc": [
    "scripts": [
      "function webpackJsonpCallback\\(data\\) {"
    "url": [
    "xhr": [
    "oss": true,
    "saas": true,
    "pricing": [
    "website": "",
    "certIssuer": "Example",

JSON fields

Find the JSON schema at schema.json.

Required properties

Field Type Description Example
cats []int Category ids [1, 6]
website string URL of the application's website ""

Optional properties


Field Type Description Example
description string A short description of the technology "short description"
icon string Application icon filename "Example.svg"
cpe string Application v2.3 CPE "cpe:2.3:a:apache:http_server:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*"
saas boolean Software As A Service true
oss boolean Open Source Software true
pricing Pricing Cost indicator ["low", "freemium"]

Implies, requires and excludes

Field Type Description Example
implies []string The presence of one application can imply the presence of another ["PHP"]
requires []string Similar to implies but detection only runs if the required technology has been identified ["WordPress"]
excludes []string The presence of one application can exclude the presence of another ["Apache"]
requiresCategory []int Similar to requires, but with category ID [6]


Field Type Description Regex Example
cookies {string:string} Cookies true {"cookie_name": "Cookie value"}
dom DOM Query selectors false ["img[src*='example']"]
dns {string:[]string} DNS records true {"MX": ["example\\.com"]}
js {string:string} JavaScript properties true {"jQuery.fn.jquery": ""}
headers {string:string} HTTP response headers true {"X-Powered-By": "^WordPress$"}
text []string Matches plain text true ["\bexample\b"]
css []string CSS rules true ["\\.example-class"]
probe {string:string} Request a URL to test for its existence or match text content false {"/path": "Example text"}
robots []string Robots.txt contents false ["Disallow: /unique-path/"]
url []string Full URL of the page true ["^https?//.+\\.wordpress\\.com"]
xhr []string Hostnames of XHR requests true ["cdn\\.netlify\\.com"]
meta {string:string} HTML meta tags true {"generator": "^WordPress$"}
scriptSrc []string URLs of JavaScript files true ["jquery\\.js"]
scripts []string JavaScript source code true ["function webpackJsonpCallback\\(data\\) {"]
html(deprecated) []string HTML source code true ["<a [^>]*href=\"index.html"]
certIssuer string SSL certificate issuer false "Let's Encrypt"


Patterns are essentially JavaScript regular expressions written as strings, but with some additions.

Quirks and pitfalls

  • Because of the string format, the escape character itself must be escaped when using special characters such as the dot (\\.). Double quotes must be escaped only once (\"). Slashes do not need to be escaped (/).
  • Flags are not supported. Regular expressions are treated as case-insensitive.
  • Capture groups (()) are used for version detection. In other cases, use non-capturing groups ((?:)).
  • Use start and end of string anchors (^ and $) where possible for optimal performance.
  • Short or generic patterns can cause applications to be identified incorrectly. Try to find unique strings to match.


Tags (a non-standard syntax) can be appended to patterns (and implies and excludes, separated by \\;) to store additional information.

Tag Description Example
confidence Indicates a less reliable pattern that may cause false positives. The aim is to achieve a combined confidence of 100%. Defaults to 100% if not specified "js": {"Mage": "\\;confidence:50"}
version Gets the version number from a pattern match using a special syntax "scriptSrc": "jquery-([0-9.]+)\.js\\;version:\\1"

Version syntax

Application version information can be obtained from a pattern using a capture group. A condition can be evaluated using the ternary operator (?:).

Example Description
\\1 Returns the first match
\\1?a: Returns a if the first match contains a value, nothing otherwise
\\1?a:b Returns a if the first match contains a value, b otherwise
\\1?:b Returns nothing if the first match contains a value, b otherwise
foo\\1 Returns foo with the first match appended



Dom data type can be either:

  • []string: list of query selectors

  • JSON Object: key is the query selector & value is an object that requires the following structure:

    • value requirements:
      1. {"attributes": {string: pattern}}
        • pattern can be a regex
        • pattern is compatible with tags
        • example: {"attributes": {"href": "pattern", "src": "pattern"}}
      2. {"properties": {string: pattern}}
        • pattern can be a regex
        • pattern is compatible with tags
        • example: {"attributes": {"href": "pattern", "src": "pattern"}}
      3. {"text": pattern}
        • pattern can be a regex
        • pattern is compatible with tags
      4. {"exists": ""}
        • value is an empty string
        • empty string is compatible with tags
// example []string
  "dom": ["img[src*='example']", "form[action*='']"]
// example JSON Object
  "dom": {
    "link[href*='fonts.g']": {
      "attributes": {
        "href": "fonts\\.(?:googleapis|google|gstatic)\\.com"
      "properties": {
        "container": ""
      "text": "GLPI\\s+version\\s+([\\d\\.]+)\\;version:\\1"
    "style[data-href*='fonts.g']": {
      "attributes": {
        "data-href": "fonts\\.(?:googleapis|google|gstatic)\\.com"
      "exists": "\\;confidence:50"


Cost indicator (based on a typical plan or average monthly price) and available pricing models. For paid products only.

One of:

  • low: Less than US $100/mo
  • mid: Between US $100-$1,000/mo
  • high: More than US $1,000/mo

Plus any of:

  • freemium: Free plan available
  • onetime: One-time payments accepted
  • recurring: Subscriptions available
  • poa: Price on asking
  • payg: Pay as you go (e.g. commissions or usage-based fees)


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