This is a plugin to sync two Owl Carousels.
Inspired by @tonykiefer 's script in
This function was made to supply the need to synchronize two OwlCarousels. E.g.: embed product gallery.
- Bower:
$ bower install owl.carousel.sync
- Construct your exhibition carousel and your nav carousel the way you want.
- Use jQuery selector (or variable with the carousel Object) and plug the plugin on it, the plugin has an Object parameter.
- In the Object parameter, put the $(selector) of the nav carousel in the key 'target' or 'syncWith'. See example below:
target: $('.owl-nav')
- You can still pass the duration (in milliseconds) of the slide transition and the index of first slide:
syncWith: $('.owl-nav'),
duration: 200, // this is an int variable that represents time in milliseconds (ms)
startIndex: 3 // will link the carousels on the fourth slide.
- Note that the sync slides will have the
class, that allows you to style them.
Object options has the $('.owl-nav') jQuery object and duration of slide transition. (example above)